Cyrus - chapter ten

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I'm back I'm alive and well, I've gotten quite a bit done in the past weeks because I spent most of my time watching voltron and I like writing well I'm watching shit, so yeah, I also went back to high school just saying that makes me wanna fall out a window,

Anyways when we left off are beloved tyrus got in a car accident this is Cyrus telling of the events before everything went wrong,


Johan beck stood right in front of me, his eyes wide but he tryed to hid his surprise at seeing me

"Cyrus," he smiled

"Hello johan," I bit my lip I could talk to everyone but he - he still got me tongue tied after all these years,

"It's been a while," he commented after a short stop he was looking for words him self, he had never tryed to talk to me not after the whole thing.

"Yeah It has I heard you made the ultimate freebie team" I told him benefits of being Tj boyfriend other then that I really liked him, was that I was known throughout school I knew everything about everyone,

"I did yeah how did you hear, I don't seem to hear anything about you, that isn't a rumour," Johan looked confused,

"I have relationships with everyone important around town I learn of everything eventually, normally sooner rather then later" I shrugged, no use lying I had connections with the student head of the team,

"Right your Cyrus Goodman Tjs boyfriend now," he looked away like I wasn't to be messed with, he was right, about both things.

"Yeah" i took a deep breath and turned back to him "I like what's been given to me, how your life going," I asked

"Well, not as good as yours it seems but pretty good," he nodded

"That's always good" I sighed and we were back to quiet awkward pauses and shifting eyes.

I don't know if I've ever truely forgiven johan beck, it was my first kiss (I guess second but first with a guy witch made it seem more important) no matter how much Tj told me he could whip away the memories I felt like it was engraved into my mind, but it was getting late and I didn't want to worry anyone over johan,

"Cyrus did I ever apologize," johan asked before I got up

"No, you didn't" I informed him turning back

"It's years to late and doesn't reverse time but, I'm sorry," he told me

"Thank you," I was all I could say as I walked away this time I had my pride as I opened the door to Tjs sliver car looking out the window,

"I'm going for a ride you okay to join," Tj asked he would drive far away then make his way back home he said it was a comfort thing but I didn't mind riding passengers so u nodded and we took off he took every right then drove straight until he hit the sign for entering the next town turning back

It was nearly midnight my eyes growing heavy as I leaned against the window we where no more then ten minutes back to Tjs my parents got home tomorrow late day,

Everything started to blur as bright yellow headlights came down the wrong side of the road speeding faster then I had ever seen a car go on this road the red car came head on smashing into the hood of the car, in the middle of an intersection as a sliver van smashed into the drivers side not being able to stop in time,

The airbags winded me as I jerked forward then hitting my head back against the head rest everything was spinning trying to recatch my breath but I recognize the house next to us, Tate and Chloe lived there I couldn't find my phone or move my legs as I screamed a man walked over to me

"I called nine - one - one someone should be here shortly" he told me his head was bleeding

"Could you knock on that house door for me my friend lives there he should be able to help you," I panted pointing at Tate's house the man nodded and jogged over, my moves my head to look over Tjs torso was bleeding his eyes where barely open,

"Cyrus," his words came out quite,

"Tj what is it," I was crying it hurt so bad but looking at him hurt more he had glass shards in his face he was bleeding from his chest,

"I need to tell you this because I don't want to die with out you knowing it" he was some how calm like he knew it wasn't worth panicking,

"Your not going to die," I cried I felt the tears drip so my face

"I love you Cyrus Goodman I always have, I love everything about you how your so good with everyone how you care hole heartily, i love you cy," He panted out as his eyes closed

"I love you Tj please don't die I need you" I cried I could hear syrensy now Tate was running towards the car, his mother was helping the man from one of the cars witch I could now see was the sliver one the man in the red car was passed out on his dash, no scratches just a bit of damage to his car,

"Cyrus CYRUS," Tate yelled but I felt so tired, "no stay awake," he slapped my arm

"But I'm so so tired Tate," I wined

"No if you fall asleep you could go into a coma," Tate yelled but a fire fighter asked him to move as they cut the airbags and pulling some pieces I couldn't tell what anymore off of my thigh a bloody red line was left in its place, as an ambulance attendant moved me to a stretcher,

"Young man can you answer some questions about him" the attendant asked Tate,

"Basic questions but he keeps his health card thing in his phone," Tate panicked

"His name and blood type he's lost a lot of blood," the attentian asked,

"His name is Cyrus Goodman, and," Tate told the attendant she started to bandage my leg I saw tj they had pulled him out of the car he was on a different stretcher, Tate got my health record I kept some key information about my health on a card in my phone case "he's an A positive,"

"Thank you young man," I couldn't see Tate anymore I guessed I was in the ambulance,

My head was no longer spinning they had put something in my system I assumed more blood, as I felt slightly better but the Syrians blared, Tate was sitting on a bench I could see him now, but I kept thinking of tj was he alive, Tate said something about people who pass out going into comas people had a chance of dying,

I didn't feel so tired anymore, I never wanted to sleep again, Tj body was burned onto my eyelids, I saw it every time I closed my eyes

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