cyrus - chapter twelve

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I woke up in a hospital bed everything was blurry as my eyes tried to refocus on the room around me my mother sat in one of the chairs and my father was paseing the room I suppose my step parents where waiting outside as they didn't tend to do this sort of thing, but as I pushed my self up to sit my mother let out a sob,

"Cyrus, your okay you're awake," she hugged me

"Yeah, my head hurts though, as with my leg," I told her as my father went to call a nurse, the nurse was an older woman with light green eyes and grey hair,

"Hello Cyrus, how are you feeling," she smiled at me cheeking some mathciesn behind me then picked up a clipboard

"overall my head hurts and so does my right leg but, for someone who was in a car accident fairly good," I told her as she gave me one white pill and a small glass of water I took them quickly I assumed it was painkillers,

"okay I have some Ibuprofen for numbing the pain it will mostly just be healing for this point forward, tomorrow morning you will be discarded you can heal better at home unless something happens within the next twenty-four hours," she informed me, everything sounded good but, I was in this room with only one bed and my parents, I need answers about Tj,

"I came in with a boy he's my boyfriend is he okay," I asked the nurse looked down at her clipboard and nodded

"his parents did give me permission to tell you once you woke up, but they stitched up his lungs and stopped then internal bleeding, alone with all the other seemingly more minor injuries craked ribs broken leg shattering wrist, but he slipped into a coma," she said solamey,

"Oh," it was all I could force out, what if he never woke up, how could I live with out him, I love him.

"I'll leave you with your parents," she nodded heading towards the door my father called after her

"thank you, nurse," he just gave him a nod and was gone, I didn't want to move,

"Cyrus I know your fond of this-," my mother started she sounded like she did when she was with her patients,

"please don't," I cut her off looking at my hands there where cuts I guessing from the window shattering, a bigger peace had punchered Tjs lung,

"excuse me," she asked confuessed as to what I was saying

"please don't treat me like one of your patients okay I really dont need that right now, just be my parents," I told her looking up she gave me a small nod, my father put his hand on my shoulder

"where going to go out to talk to your step parents okay, try eating something," he smiled then with my mother they exited to room, I spotted a small mirror on the table with my food I took a granola bar and the compact mirror,

I had a cut on my cheek bone, there was two small pieces of medical tape over it, i was very pale almost gosetly, I placed it back down opeing the granola bar then I pulled back the blanket, my one leg had stiches from the inside towards the middle of my thigh to my knee, the other had little stiched up areas they where lighly wrapped by white bandages, I could feel the ivprofen starting to work as I scaned the room Tate and alex walked in,

"hey Cy," alex had Tate clinging to his arms like when they first started dating and Tate was scared of the other guys, "sit here okay," alex told tate sliding him into the chair, as Alex perched on the eage of my bed,

"Thanks for coming" I told him as he took my hand it was a comfort to me, of course it wasn't like knowing Tj would be alright,

"Cyrus I'll always come to support me you help me so much" I had saved Alex from failing school, it was a lot of work but it was nessary

"Have you seen Tj" I asked maybe the nurse was talking about a different tj all though it wasn't likely, I hadn't lost hope yet.

"No family only, I don't think even his little siblings have seen him, they just told us he's in a coma his little siblings don't even know yet, " his words wherent ment to dispoint me but I They even though he hadn't said anything I didn't already know.

"Yeah," I yawned somehow I was rather tired i could curl up and sleep forever,

"They hope he'll wake up," Alex clearly didn't know what to say but he didn't like the quiet,

"We all do," I looked over to Tate he was shaken up he watched them move Tjs body and tried to keep me awake, I hope he had slept

"I know, sadly that's all I know," Alex turned to Tate standing up, "we got to head home he hasn't slept properly," Tate rushed over to me hugging me so close it sorta hurt but it's the only physical comfort I've got so I held on just as tight maybe my arms felt so weak, he pulled away kissing my cheek and took Alex's hand Justin stood leaning in the door frame as they left he walked in he did say a word but he lay next to me and he took my hand in his so I curled up to him and cried because that felt like the only thing I could do, my parents weren't ever the best at being comforting and tj was gone but Justin was there and he didn't make me talk he was just there.

I cried because tj could never wake up and because I've never felt such pain in my life and because I didn't know what came next, after I stopped crying it was dark out Justin had gotten a text and he stepped out,

Andi and Buffy came in short after, andi looked so scared but Buffy like always looked fearless and they both sat on the edge of the bed,

"How are you feeling," Buffy asked she gave me a tissues to so I was wiping the moisture from under my eyes,

"Like I've been hit by a car," I joked no body laughed

"Chloe says you lost a lot of blood," andi asked I had forgotten Chloe was close to her she had been there Tate had let out this blood curdling scream when he saw Tj I think something in her was set off because she looked like a goste

"Yeah bled from this on my legs and the minor cuts all over," I told them reveling the long stitched mark Buffy grased her hand across the long gash it would be a scar soon,

we talk about nothing really and it distracts me for the time being but something always lingers in my head, TJ could die and there's not a damn thing I could do about it,

Guess who almost forgot to post this, in my defence it's Canada thanksgiving and I didn't go to classes today so I forgot it was Monday, oops anyways andi Mack comes back or came back today I gotta go watch it now vote if you enjoy my story sorry about being a terrible person and leaving a cliffhanger...... again

When there's only me and you - TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now