Cyrus - chapter fourteen

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Laran stayed close to me as her parents watched over Tj, she never came out and said it but she didn't like the sight of him like that in fairness I didn't either, I was discarded after Four weeks in hospital since my mental state need to go up slightly before it could be considered good to go home. I couldn't walk properly I need churches to carry me around. even though the physical therapist said I wouldn't need them, everyone underestimates how bad I had actually been really so good ended up staying a lot longer than predicted.

My parents were cleaning up what was mine in the hospital room and we where to be headed home, I didn't wanna go back to my bedroom since I knew I would have to spend all my time there. Since I remember what the photos that were on the wall once of Tj grinning at his 16th birthdays that I had thrown, pictures from the lake house last summer, TJ happy and healthy and coddling me in his arms. I hadn't gone to see him I couldn't bear it, not to mention I haven really slept since short naps here and there but really no actual sleep. or it didn't feel like it

"Cyrus are you ready to go," my stepmom Sharon asked, I just nod as I'm balanced on my crutches my mom and dad are bickering about where I'm to go first honesty I don't care but I make my way down the hallway to see Tj for the first time his mother is sitting next to him I think his dad is at home with the kids

"you can come in," she tells me opening the door Sharon went to calm my dad down, as I hobble into the room, " I would have come to see you but my baby," she doesn't finish, but I know why

It was just her and TJ for a while, Tj was born when his mother was 19 not quite ready to raise a child and TJ dad had gone off to school for a while well he was a young boy his dad wasn't there only coming back when he was about 6 and it didn't go over super well because he was this man who was supposed to be his dad but he wasn't there when he tripped and scraped his knee or when his mother couldn't pay for the new toy.

everything was better now but to his mother, this was his shining light the little boy who made her laugh when everyone else scolded her for not being more careful, but now he was in a coma for some else making a dumb choice,

"he hasn't been perfect, but he's tried to be good an now he's, Cyrus he's my boy," she grabbed his hand kissing the palm of his hands folding his hands closed again, Tj had told me it was something she would do when he was little, I suppose it was more of a comfort to her than to him as he wouldn't fell it,

"I love him too, he didn't need to be perfect, he was Tj and that was perfect for me," I smiled a little,

"I hoped the two of you would stay together forever, and even though the future is so very unsure I still hope you to stay together," she fiddled with the ring on her right hand, I believed it was a family heirloom but TJ father had gotten her a different ring so she wore her family ring on her right hand,

"you should go take a walk just for a moment," I suggested because I wanted to cry to TJ and i felt really weird doing that with his mother around she nodded and walked towards the door as I hobbled to her chair placing the churches down "I don't really know what to say because I don't even know if you can hear me and maybe I'm talking to myself but your still here somewhere, maybe, I don't know," I whipped the tears from my eye and rubbed my sleeve across the bottom of my noes and conntuied

"I don't think I really ever understood what romaicnt love was until you showed me, you changed my life first you where just this guy who My best friend hated so I had to dislike but you came up to me on the swings alone and you didn't seem so bad, you where like this little puppy dog who fiercely defend his friends. I was so scared to tell people but you weren't, you just grinned and told me it was okay. but you also fought harder then anyone i knew or had fought with before because TJ you are so defended and breaking down the barriers you keep up brings out a new you becaues, Because I've never met someone who can be so destroyed by his past but so ready for the futuer. you need to wake up because I need to wake up one day to my two kids and my adoring husband in the perfect little home. I need you my world doesn't exist without you in it," I was full on crying now but I need to say my piece maybe in hope that he would react to my words,

I didn't expect anything really the room feel quite and I reached for my crushes his mom would be back soon so I would go home with whatever they had decided, I was getting really tired of my parents and there bickering it had been going on for two weeks now and I was done with it.

I took one look back at TJ reaching out for his hand I kissed his forehead he always did it to me as a way to ease my worries but his hand jerked up grabbing mine as his eyes fluttered open,



Oops I did it again I left you on a cliff hanger and quoted a song thats older then most of the people reading

Yeah I'm not sure what I'm writing in these notes anymore I'm pretty sure no one reads the anyways so just whatever I want basically,

I posted this at 1:52 on October 22 before I would see the Andi Mack episode probably at 1:30 the next morning, I need sleep

When there's only me and you - TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now