cyrus - chapter sixteen

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"Cyrus" Tj voice have gone unused was raw and quite but it was him I knew I should get a nurse or his family but I couldn't move, he was live his eyes open for me to see his green eyes even though he was very pale it was Tj, "Cyrus," he spoke once more and I yelled out

"HES AWAKE," a nurse was in shortly checking up on everything as I Leaned up against the wall everything within me tell me it was a dream I would wake up and he would still be asleep, I missed him, his touch everything but how much if my words had he heard.

I was taken from the room to one of most parents car I don't really know which one of care they acted like this was a big deal I would be going back to the hospital one they did there check up on tj, once I was allowed to see him.

My bedroom was dark and cold the bed made but still crap on the floor the blue sweater that I held as one of my most valued objects, it was tj from Are first date it had rain and he gave me the sweater as we sat dripping wet on his front porch, he kissed me in the rain that night before I ran into my home and collapsed on my bed.

That seemed so long ago a distant memory from before, the doctors had kept saying things about him not being able to remember, but I wondered if he could remember the first days of our relationships the days that I met him the days that I cared for him the days where everything was new and we where both so damn scared.

I hadn't been scared in a while not really not down to the bone run away but I was now. All I had was to face my fears no matter how much I did want to.

"Cyrus you have  to do what your physical therapist told you, you can't just lie around" my mother yelled at me but I didn't make any effort to move, I was kinda on strike my parents wouldn't let me go to the hospital because I need to recover first but I was fine I only slightly limped and the doctor said that might be permanent anyways so why to try to fix something there's almost no reason to know will be fixable.

"Cyrus this isn't healthy you can't very well just stay in bed and not eat properly" my step dad warned as I turned onto my side away from him I hadn't left my bed in two days it was warm and comforing, and despit what he said I could

"look if you do your extrazie ill take you to see TJ this evening," my dad resonded probley because he was the only one who knew what would work the best.

"okay," I got up and did the dumb streches really quitck then turned back to my parents, "are we going or should i go back to bed,"

the drive to the hospial seemed so long i rember it being such a short drive from my home when i was young but this was taking forever when we finally pulled into the hospial parking lot the hallways streahec on forever and the limp wasnt helping but my parents stayed in the cafaria witch was fine with me,

"cyrus!" Laruan cryed jumping in my arms, "your limping," she pointed out,

"yeah, I got into an accadnet and hurt my legs badly," I repliyed not telling her everything but enough for her to know,

"TJ was also in and accident mommy says hes not in good shape," she told me looking down crossing her arms

"yeah I know kiddo," I told her honsty she may only be five but she was smarter then others belive I told her the truth when i could becaues she desveres the truth

"do you know when he'll come home beacue he stays here and your not at home either and mommys alway crying, i think if TJ gets better she'll be happy again," she looks up at me

"you know even when TJ comes home he may not be compelty better," I told her as her face dropped

"oh i though they would make him better," she looked on the verge of tears

"theyll try kiddo," I hugged her before entering the room

"I heard you" TJ tells me after his parents leave us alone, ive found my way to lie next to him on his bed he has his arm around me and im holding his other hand

"when," I ask, i know when but I wanna hear him say it first

"before I was fully awake and didnt see you for three days," he scolds me like a child but I dever it I should have seen him days ago

"oh," I muster out I can feel the heat off my face as I turn away from him

"I didnt know you though about your futuer with me," TJ has this perfect grin on his face like hes thinking about it now

"I fell weird admitting that I do that," I bit my lip as he thinks some more I

"when do you do it" He asks me it sounds weird out of context but well I understand him so it doesnt matter

"when your chaping the guys and they act like five year olds or when your little siblings come and wake us up," I smile mostly to my self but im dont care he laughs alittle and tells me

"your perfect angel" I fell like hes lying to him self but well he sounds so sencier

"im not I have scars on my legs now from the stickes and I limp everywhere Ive become stupidly stuborn and I spilled my heart out to you because I was so scard you would die," I admit he puts his hand under my chin pulling me closer to him and kissing me carefully

"how would any of that take away from your perfection" he grinns as i touch his forhead to him and we lie in scianlce.

When there's only me and you - TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now