buffy - chapter fifteen

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When I met TJ for the first time he didnt seem all that bad comading but thats what you want in a team capiton, as we moved forward he became a jerk, doing terrblie thing and manitpling me, all i saw him as was a bully nothing more then a jerk who used others to his advancae. He kept him self to him self others didnt know why of course i didnt know all that much either. he seemed to have everything.

Cyrus always saw the good in people trying to get them to become the best they could atchen, he stayed out of the way for others to get there way he wasnt closed off in the same why we knew him or we thought we did, he laughed loudly and smiled way to bright the world around him glowed untill he didnt glow.

andi she was my best friend but she had her own little world she lived in almost compley alone I didnt blame her but well, sometimes it got hard to be the side kkick in my own life not that that was my title if anyone was the side kick i would be Cyrus I was more of the friend that you see in the first act break then again the the thrid act ending.

I had met so many people this summer, chloe she was so nice and kind to everyone eventhough she was trobled with her messy family life she didnt seem to care to much. Tate her brother who was shy but he worked well with Alex the basketballs known flirt all these people that had been around me that I never saw becasue the world had become just me Cyrus and Andi they had forced me to see that it wasnt all that easy the world was filled with so many instesinf people.

"Andi, Do you regredt anything," I asked as we got ready for bed she stopped and thought,

"No, to my deepus core of my sole being I dont wish to go back and change anything that I have done in my life it has made me who i am and to live with regreat well thats not I life I would chose," she tells me brushing her long hair back and clipping it with a hair clip then she turns to me to ask, "do you regret anything?"

i stop i had been ready to ask the question but to answer well I didnt know sometimes I think i regret moving but if i hadnt moved would things have worked out the same, sometimes I think if i had made up with Cyrus things would have been better but is that really true maybe for him things would be worse.

"I, I dont know," I tell her she gives me a sypathic look and pats my shoulder,

"Buffy if you dont know it means you think to hard about your past, try living in the presant, eventhough things arent great," she tells me I wasnt here when andi got really wise but think i has something to do with the Phycolagy course shes did so well in

"andi I think i regret leaving so much has changed and im going way again so soon," I sighed as I pulled my hair back to clean my face once andi moved away from the sink but the feeling in my stomicak as I realized I would have to go back home to what was a esnarly a new world.

"come when ever you want, we have a spare room" andi joked as she hopped up on the counter scrolling threw her phone looking for something I could tell, she had this look like she was missing something

"thanks andi, I leave in two weeks," I huffed when andi stopped and looked ovar at me, I guess she had forgoten to tell me something

"sooner your mom called and said she emailed you a ticket for three days from now," she bit her lower lip turing her phone off and giving me this look.

"three days," three days was not enough but would there ever been enought time this wasnt my home anyone it was the gouse of a place I once knew, another world had been built around it when i was gone.

"yeah I mean she wanted to spend some time with you," andi shrugged it made sence wey that doesnt mean i was ready

"it seem like I shouldn't be leaving yet I just got here," I grabbed my phone to comfrem the email was sent yesterday moring the ticket was confomted i was to go home three days from this day

"Ill keep you updated on everything," andi reashered me it didnt make it better she would tell me of a world i was to far away from to be a part of.

"You better." I laughed for her sake but as we when to bed I started packing all the little thinks i had picked up along the way A braslet from andi random jerly from bex store my new note book for the year then a little something Cyrus had given me, he made it out of paper little angle wings he bared it no second glance and shrugged when i asked if i could have it but it was mine from him. chloe gave me this little pin she got at a swim met said she had plent if i wanted it, and i did because it was chloes and she was giving me something to rember her by nothing more then a pin but it ment more.

everything i had brough with me gathered from aaround the room a room that would be left empty for whenever now for when I was to reture for the room to gather objects they didnt need and crap they didnt have space for,

this room would be like i was never here the whole town would be that way,

When there's only me and you - TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now