Cyrus - chapter twenty

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"mum you can't use Cyrus as bait to keep me hear okay," Tj and his mum were fighting again for the third time today I think, I couldn't tell I just rested on his shoulder and staried off into space thinking about the past

We sat under the tree on tj front lawn the summer before he went to high school we both went to high school the sun beat down on us that day but we sat far apart

I was scared to be official with anyone because what if it didn't work out, what if we broke up

Tj lay with his feet up on the tree looking at the sunny sky through the leaves of the tree, I saw with my back against the tree my legs went away from tj body as we sat he was carefree and curiosity watching the sky, I was watching him like a caged animal that o went to a zoo to see

His hair had been cut since that fateful summer day, and since I remember the day as tj lying shirtless I can confirm he got more toned defiantly since he plays basketball and worked out, in general, more now,

"Teeje," I wined whipping the sweat from off my head

"Just take off your sweater," he replied I hadn't thought it would be that cold so I had worn a sweater but nothing underneath he was fine shirtless but I wasn't

"I'm not that hot plus it wouldn't help anyways" I knew he didn't believe me when he grabbed my waist and pulled the sweater up over my head, I felt all the blood in my body rise to my face as he saw I didn't have a top on under the sweater

"Isn't That better," he lay back down on the grass not saying anything more 

"not exactly," I mumbled wrapping my arms around my torso I don't look like he did he was nicely built i was still rather awkward looking. 

"What's wrong cy,"  he asked putting himself on his elbows looking at me I was starting to feel flustered, 

"Its stupid" I looked away from his eyes  

"just tell me" he smiled 

"don't worry okay," I shrugged "I actually have to get home, but I'll see you tomorrow" 

"Alright I'm dirt biking in the morning but I'll see you later in the day." Tj nodded staying where he was lying on the ground soaking in the heat, it was only a ten minute walk from TJ house to mine so I didn't mind it, my hoodie was so very hot in the summer heat so I pulled the sleaves up to show my forearms and  I was going to cut through the park when I saw Johan, My heart began to swell we hadn't talked since he, since he kissed me, since I realized that I liked TJ. he was there with andi and amber. 

amber was the only one who saw me as I bolted past the old playground she kept the other to distracted. amber and I had this way being able to know when the other was in distress. but amber was one to ask about the others problems. 

"Good evening Cyrus, wanna tell me what running throw the park was about you don't run, you don't even speed walk." amber asked climbing throw Cyrus window TJ was shortly behind her they lived on the same street so they would do this quite offent. 

"yeah, and In a sweater," TJ asked he was wearing a muscle top now, 

"I don't know I don't wanna talk to him," I lied to the two people who knew when I was lying. 

"told you," TJ looked over they both shared a glare then Amber waved and  climbed out the window "you know its okay not to want to talk to him because he kissed you but you shouldn't let him win," 

"I dont know how to do that,"  I bit my lower lip but all TJ did was take his hand pulling my lip out of the grip of my teeth my eyes widdedn as he sat back on my bed we where quite but I climed on to my bed next to him. I heard my parents leave the house I felt so dirty or a second I had a boy in my bed, even though TJ had sat on my bed before I wasnt even doing anything so for the first time i  did something I kissed TJ/ 

first softly barly touching his lips to mine but once he seemd to see what I had done he pulled me onto his lap and put his arms around my back. I had no clue what I was even doing my hands where by my side clunched in fists my legs where bend backwards I was so aqwards and I didnt seem to be doing this right 

but when we pulled back I was breathless I had bitten my lip once again,

"stop doing that your going to make your lip bleed"  Tjs voice was hushed and rough which made my heart nbeet so loud I swear he could hear it  but I cuddled into his chest he kissed the top of my head and we lay in qutie again I didnt asked what this ment I didnt have any reason to I just knew we where happy and the moment was perfect.

"cyrus are you alright." Tj shook my shoulder I saw his mother was gone I didnt think she would be gone for long but for the moment the room was qutie 

"Im just thinking, so what did your moyther and you finshe off with." I asked giving him a small smiled and he gave a small laguh. 

"shes kinda upset but well I think she has to get over it, its not like Im gonaa live with her forever" he shook his head but he place his hand on my knee then pulled me closer placing a small kiss on my lips then lay back down, 

for the first time in week I felt compety at peace. 

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