Cyrus - chapter two

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"say it again," Tj asked the basketball team had taken a trip up to some woods area and we where staying in cabins, no parents eather, i had taken a lot of covcing to get my parents to let me go but know i was lying on my boyfriends bed him hovring over me, my lips were hot from how much he had been kissing me, 

Tj didnt show much affeting to me out side of closed doors so when we did get time alone, he was like a starving child, 

"say what, Thomas James Kippen,"I had recently found out what TJ stood for and it drove him crazy, 

"you drive me crazy Cyrus Goodman," he almost sighed out then kissing me once again his hands finding there way to my waist, then under my shirt, he knew i wasnt ready for the whole sex thing, but for some reason he liked to run his hands over my bare back, 

he was sitting on my hips, as he leand over me he liked to have control, I liked him having control, 

he moved down to my neck, as my parents would never let him in the house again if they knew we where dating he wasnt aloud to leave hickeys but no only am i away from them for the weekend, all of them are going somewhere this week, TJs mother was ookay with us dating and was letting me stay over, 

he was sucking on the soft presher point at the base of my neck near the start of my coller bone, when a knock came at the door, 

"what," TJ called as i regaind my breath, 

"where going down to the lake if you and cy what to come with," it was jutian, tjs best friend and the guy who sat with me in all the classes i didnt have with Tj after what happend in ninth grade, I agreed to Tjs plan to have his team mates watch out for me, they had a group chat called 'wheres cyrus' it was creep at first but, I didnt mind it anymore, if it meant that the sick man could never get to me again i was good with it. 

"we'll head down in a couple minuet," tj called "unless you dont want to go," he then whispered to me, 

"no i could use some time outside," i shrugged, 

"see you then," justien then walked away the floor bourd creaked like all hell in the cabin, other then that it was really nice. i pulled my self up from the bed rummaing in my suitcase for my swimmign trunks, and to take a look at the mark Tj had left, 

Tj grabbed my hand softly, "come here," he softly tugged pulling me into his arms as i sat on his lap, "we should do this more offent," it was like he was in a dase, to be fair i felt it to, 

"well come on," i kissed him then pulled away to grab my stuff, the house was qutie, for the first time since we got here 10 people in one house ended up making alot of noise, but they had all left and it was clam 

we walked out of the bed room we where sharing on the second floor walking down the grand stair case, im really not sure how they affored to rent this place, but i didnt ask questions, the gorment kitcan to witch we used the fridge from, I pulled out a water bottle, putting it in my bag with my towel, my swim suit was in there to but i would get changed before we left. 

going into the only bathroom the boys hadnt ruined i qukily changed then sat on the nice couch and messed with my phone a picture of andi and buffy showed up on my fed i suppose they where visting eachother, not that i talked to eather anymore. 

buffy made me pick, andi keep trying to talk me out of it. so  I hang out with Tjs friends know. 

"cy are you coming," Tj snapped me out of my thoughts. offering his hand to me witch i grab quticky and followed him 

"yeah, im coming," the trees where beautiful and gave enough shade to cool us from the 40 degree weather, how was it this hot out side. 

"capiten your cliff jumping next," josh called out and point to where alex was jumping from, 

"your all idoits" he called out as he ditched his stuff to clime to the jumping point, 

"then why are you following them," I laughed walking into the water swimming out to where jutian was wading, he could touch i was alot shorter though so he let me hold on to his neck, 

after about a half hour apartly it was my turn, but getting up there i some what froze, but of coure mister tj had a plan,

"hey," he whisperd kissing my cheek then grabing my hand and pulling me to jump, the adreimal rushed through my vains hitting the water and swimming toward the first person who i saw not paying attion grabing alexs anckel,

hereing the scream i flotted up laughing once i had found the air my lungs had been begin to grasp once again, 

"you little dork," alex jumped me pushing my head under, if i had learnd anything about guys it was that they liked ruff play, so i had masterd ruff play my self. 

swimming over to behind Tj, useing him as a human sheild, 

we stayed out untill sunset when we wanderd back I had gotten a piggyback from Justian the freaking giant that he is, 

everyone except me had gotten a sunburn though, after the day had come to a close and everyone had reatied to there rooms, I tended to Tjs burns, he had them over his nose and his shoulders, he looked rather cute with a permaitn blush, 

"here this should make it feel better," i coud rubbing aloe vera jellie over the burn on his back, careful about touching the red to hard as to no cause him anypain, 

"you dont need to do this," he sighed at me he hate being cared for, it made him fell worth less, but i had something better up my sleave,

"well i can go help alex instead hes got a pretty bad one on his abs and back you know," i go to get up when he grabs my waist, alex is the only other gay guy on the team, and he was Tjs natral oppoient in skill and talent, he abosulty hated it when i said i could do things for alex and not him.

"no you dont need to," he shook his head and let me contiune, 

alex had his own boyfriend and as nice of a guy that he was, i didnt want to date him, I think if he should be worried its that im going to steal the little bean that is alex BF hes a year younger then us and such a newbie to this world of romaice sport and gay. he so sweet i could just cuddle him all day. 

"dont be so jelosic im not going anywhere," i whisper to him as i put the stuff away, and crawl under the covers of the bed, i find my self rested on tjs chest his heartbeat like a lullbie, nothing more claming toend your perfect day then with your perfect boy friend. 

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