Buffy & Andi - Chapter twenty-seven

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I hold in this secret for about two days before I can no longer take it, how could amber and TJ have been intment with each other,  how could he not tell Cyrus. what if it was more then just some one-off thing, Justian hadn't told me much more then, just the basics. so I pick up my phone and lucky at 2:37 am Andi picks up. 

"Buffy its like two in the morning," she yawns into the phone her voice is raspy and in a hushed whisper. 

"Yeah I know but if I don't tell someone this now I might hurt someone I really care about," I'm bouncing and praying my mother cant to hear the bedsprings from her room, or at this rate the sound of my beating heart. 

"get on with it then, since I have school in the morning," andi was never a two am type person, she was a good student, she got the proper amount of sleep and never pulled all-nighters. I take a deep breath and go to start but nothing comes out, "Buffy come on I have a test first thing in the morning,"   

"the summer before grade nine TJ slept with Amber," I wanted to yell so badly but now that I had passed some of this burden onto Andi my heart wasn't going to explode out of my chest or I didn't feel like it would. 

"What....?" andi's pause was so long I thought she might have hung up the phone I kept checking but she was still there, "this can't be true," 

"words right from Justin's mouth, I would never wake you up to tell you a lie" I was talking like I was on fast forward speed, 

"I thought...." andi spoke like she couldn't speak the language and had to think through every word, slow and steady. "No TJs bi," I couldn't help but wonder if she was  asking or thinking out loud,  


the summer before ninth grade buffy had gone the summer before, I broke up with Jonah and Cyrus started to hang out with TJ, it was one of ambers last summers before she left off to a world of lights and parties. 

"do you know when" I asked buffy I don't think that would help me since I don't actually know when Cyrus and TJ got together, and a small part of me feel almost betrayed I was friends with Amber, she would tell me everything but if she had been holding this back then what else had she been hiding. 

"he didn't specify, I felt so bad holding and I to tell someone and it felt wrong to tell Cyrus this stuff over the phone," Buffy was speaking so fast I could barely figure out her words but I got the jist, "you don't think" her voice was hushed now and I didn't need her to finish that sentence to answer her question. 

"I really don't know Buffy, I really don't  know," I flopped down onto my bed looking up at the ceiling  I had painted covered in constellations and the night sky, and yet I felt like I had a better understanding of the millions and millions of stars then I did of the mystery that was TJ


I was so lucky that the floorboards in my bedroom didn't creck, as I pace back and more forth across the room, holding my phone to my ear, what did this really mean, Justin hadn't gotten into it all that much he just told me the facts. 

Amber had slept with TJ Kipplen, Cyrus boyfriend 

"Buffy I have to go to bed Ill call you back, or something." the line soon after when dead, what more could I say what more was there to say. 


after I hung up with buffy I bounced up from my bed heading over to my desk drawers it had to be in here somewhere so I kept looking around until I found it pulling out the ripped blue piece of paper, 

'I promise I wouldn't tell him, you shouldn't be ashamed,' the flowing text was ambers I could tell you that but I had never known who it was written to the paper had been torn and messed up like it was taken out of something else. 

I took a photo of the paper and sent the message to TJ 

'you better have a good explanation or I'm telling Cyrus what I know,' i hate blackmailing people but well I had no choice then I sent the same message to Amber my phone clock told me it was already 3 am. I wanted an answer but neither of them replied and at some point, I ended up falling asleep. 

I woke up to the sound of my alarm or what I thought my alarm was and started to get ready for school checking my phone and there it sat 

its something that happened a long time ago, what is it to you. 

I'm not sure how to reply to her so I leave it then I get a second one, 

I didn't do anything to hurt Cyrus, it was before we even got together,

I guess that cleared up one question 

meet me at the spoon,

TJ sat in his normal spot at the spoon, he was on his phone and he looked unkempt, his hair messy and as he hadn't slept. 

"Moring," I slide into the opposing side of the booth, as he looks up at me, 

"Justian told Buffy and she told you," he guesses, Well I don't know that its a guess since I don't know Justin is he someone who would tell his best friend everything,

"Yeah, how did you" I start to ask 

"Justian is an extremely bad liar, even when he tries and expressly to me, he started acting off a day or two ago then you send me a text at 3 in the morning," his hands run through his hair and his left leg is bouncing under the table as he taps one finger against the table, its like he's drank the world supply of coffee and can't stay still. 

"I won't go out and tell him but I need an answer" I reason but we both know that's a lie, I will tell Cyrus, just as soon as I get all the facts. 


hiay kiddling, as the poor time mangument and busy person i am Ive barly edited this chaper so Ive desided that when my march break (it like spring break but for canada) hits I will be trying to go throught and start editing now that not for a couple weeks and I dought I will get all of the chapters done in that week but do know I am trying to make this better for your enjoyment 

- Broken

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