buffy-chapter eleven

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Chloe stood talking to an officer as we pulled up andi was still half asleep, until see saw the car and the blood, I had crawled from the car to the street I couldn't tell if it was Tjs or Cyrus' or one of the other people who where in the accident Chloe's Mom must have left her car wasn't in the driveway, but another officer was doing a drunk test on a man he looked unscathed maybe a scratch,

"Chloe, are you okay," andi ran over

"Well, not heavily but I wasn't in the crash, my brother when with Cyrus in the ambulance and my mother drove the man how drove the sliver car to the hospital to get assied," she explained she looked so scared "Cyrus his legs they where so bloody I've never heard my brother scream like that," she was crying now her sentence didn't make much sense "tj his-  so much blood,- glass is - was everywhere,"

"Could you take her to the hospital, ask if she can be seen by one of the physiologist for a mental avlution," the officer told me andi was already leading Chloe to the car,

"Could you tell me what happened," I asked,

"I don't have all the answers I'll have to question a couple other people but it seems like a drunk driver was driving in the wrong lane your friends car couldn't avoid the car, then the third car couldn't stop in time smashing your friends car between," the officer told me he looked wronged by the drunk driver, "he's almost killed two young men who have there hole life's ahead of them, because he couldn't call a cab," the officer shook his head then walked away from me,

The ride to the hospital was quite we had no words to say anyways,

Once we got into the hospital one of the nurses took Chloe to a physiologist something about her being a night shift for events like this,

Me and andi sat close in the wait room Tate sat curled up in a chair in the corner when two guys burst in, one ran immediately over to Tate the other came up to me,

"Buffy right," he asked I nodded, "I love Tate but he's not going to be much use right now is there any information on Tj,"

"He went into suergey as soon as he got here something about his lungs being punctured by glass from the window that shattered when the second car hit, they don't know when they'll be out it's a dangerous surgery, and Cyrus also we t to surgery for fixing the gash in his leg he should be out shortly" I spoke quickly but he seemed to get every word not stopped for a second then sat down twk chairs away from me,

"I'm Justin by the way," he told me, "Tjs one is my closest friends,

"I used to be close to Cyrus I'm not very close anymore but I'm waiting for Chloe, Tate's brother, she had to go for a physic evaluation," I told him andi was falling asleep on my shoulder then we both sat in silence the other man had put a stop to Tate's crying I think he was asleep now, but now it was sickeningly quite Chloe was brought back to the waiting room shortly, I saw a man and woman burst through the doors  yelling about there son I assume Tj but they got no answers they sat waiting patiently now to,

"Could you call me if you hear anything about Cyrus," I had Justin a slip of paper that my numbers scribbled on he gives me a nod and I walk out with andi and Chloe, her mother was helping the other man he had some external damage but should be fine so she was driving him home, he apparently answered some questions from the police officers earlier and they had his number if they need to ask more,

Bex stood on the front porch as we pulled into the driveway she wore black sweatpants and an old Metallica tee shirt with her hair in a frizzy bun as she looked out at us,

I thought she was going to yell at us but she simply brought us in side and got us something to drink andi was dead tired but I felt like I couldn't sleep, bex told me to watch something on tv to either get my mind off of it or bore me to sleep, suprisling it worked I woke up to my phone ringing

"Hi this is Justin," a voice spoke he sounded tired

"You've got Buffy," I told him

"Cyrus got out of surgery late I didn't call you because he was fast asleep anyways and you need so sleep but the doctors checked his vides and everything, he's allowed visters his parents came in early and it's only two people in the room at a time so if you want to swing by," He informed me

"I'll head by once andi gets up, his parents probably want to talk to him for a bit anyways" I thought out loud,

"I'm going to be here all day so," I wanted to tell him to go home and rest but I felt like I would fall in deaf ears,

"What about Tj," I asked hoping for Cyrus sake he was doing better

"They haven't updated anyone his parents are freaking out is you friend of you a babysitter," Justin asked confusing me

"Not licenced Why," I asked

"Tjs got four little siblings, and his parents need some to watch them," Justin informed me,

"I could ask andi she's good with kids," I sigh thinking she and johan could watch over the tots,

"Well call me back if you can, I have to go the doctor just canoe out," Justin hung up they where hoping for news about Tj, I had the worst thoughts though, I shut my eyes trying to shake the thoughts as I pushed my self up from the couch

But what if Tj did die,

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