Cyrus - chapter four

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the sun had just started pecking through the curtains when Tj woke up I had been up for a couple hours but he kept a tight grip around my waist but I snuggled into his chest and kept my eyes shut I was 100% aware of everyplace we touched, his right hand rested over my hip bone my head rested over shoulder once he had woken up he started to kiss the inside of my neck,

God, it felt so damn good,

"Oh, you like that baby," he whispered my breath hitching at his kisses I could tell I would have hickeys later his hands moved to touch my hipbones stomach

"yeah maybe I do what your gonna do about it," I asked he counted to lay kisses down my neck but something in me ticked as I moved piting him to the bed

"the better question is what are you going to do," he asked looking over me

"this," I started to kiss him first softly then harder pushing him down into the hard mattress, he had this dumb sports tank top on, "this shirt I hated it," I pulled back to breathe for a second

"really what are you going to do about it," he breathed heavily, as I pulled at the heam of the top then pulled it over his head marvelling at his torso he had beautiful abs I carefully ran my fingers over them like they where art. then I kissed his collarbone and moved kissing down to his v-line "hey what you doing down there," his breath hitched

"freaking you out, I'm, not the innocent Jewish boy you expect," I rested on his chest, looking into his Blue eyes studying his face, his hair fell down

"Oh really," he wasn't so sure of my words anymore,

"no, but I wanted to make you feel the same way you make me feel," I giggled kissing his chapped lips,

"You had me going there for a second," Tj laughed as I hoped off of him standing on the cold hardwood floor "where you going baby," Tj sat up watching me

"I have to get changed" I walked back kissing him before he pulled me back down onto the bed

"Or you could just stay kissen me all day," tj pulled me close

"right as much as i would love that we really cant," I tried to pull my self out of his grasp, when there was a knock at the door.

"I swear to god if that's you Justin," Tj yelled

"Well breakfast is ready," Justin yelled through the door

"I'm going to get you" Tj yelled back

"You wouldn't if you want pancakes," Justin laughed then we heard him walk away,

"Your team needs you coach," I whispered into his ear I had moved to lie beside him now,

"But I need you" he grumbled turning to face me

"Honey the kids are up we don't want them burning down the house" I joked but I did think if we left them to there own in the kitchen for much longer, there would be trouble.

"Okay fine" Tj pulled him self up and got dressed well I simply put on Tjs shirt and walked to the kitchen

"Morning kids" I chimed our fishing for juice in the fridge

"Morning cy" josh smiled josh was the baby of the team youngest member he was a year younger then most of us but he was still a good player

Alex was on the phone probably wishing his boyfriend good luck for his swim meet today the reason he wasn't able to come

Markus and Conner were chatting but they looked all messy,

"I'm taking it you both got up early to work out," I asked putting to glasses infront of them then pouring some water in,

"Some light jogging threw the woods well it was still cool," Conner brushed his dark brown hair back from where it stuck to his pale face,

"Nothing dangerous" Markus grinned his brown eyes lighting up back at me, his dark completion was beaded with sweat

"Good you know if you had I would have to call out my backup card" I smiled then turned away they were prone to get injured and they had promised me to injuries on this trip. If they got injured I would call there mother,

"we know, mom," Markus rolled his eyes.

"hey respect your mother," Tj scolded Markus as he had come into the room

"sorry dad," Conner and Markus scolded I walked over to the stove grabbing a pancake and some strawberries,

"what are the plans for today," I asked leaning on the countered starting to eat my food. Be hind closed door tj was that sappyes person that I have ever met but in front of the team, not as much he was more shut off,

"well where playing a basketball game," tj sipped his coffee he drank coffee like it was he will to live, it might actually be,

For the life of me I could not play basketball or not very well I knew the rules I knew how to play but I wasn't good at it. So I sat under the shade of a near by oak tree reading well they all played as a car pulled up, the guys didn't see but out hopped Tate Alex's boyfriend, he was messing around on his phone then gave a small wave to the driver as he backed out of the driveway and left.

"Hey cy," he sat down next to me placing him bag down next to him and removed his big round sunglasses.

"Hey Tate how was the match." I asked giving him a smile as we looked over at the game they where so focused

"Pretty good, have you been taking care of my Alex," Tate pulled his eyes away from Alex who had not worn a shirt to play showing off his abs,

"Watching over him for you," i shrugged pulling out my timer it was two minutes till I called half time

"Your filing in for the clock I'm guessing," Tate lay back on the soft green grass looking up at the leaves,

"Yeah I'm not keeping score though," I laughed a little biting my lip as the time ticked back "1 minuet till half time" I took a deep breath as Tate sat up looking over my shoulder as the time tick back then hitting 0

"HALF TIME"  we both yelled everyone stopping then almost as fast as the speed of light Alex bounced over hugging Tate and kissing him all over his face

"When did you get here," Alex asked he cupped Tate's face in his hands

"Little over five minutes ago, I missed you" Tate grinned looking away from Alex

"I missed you to" Alex's eyes never wandered looking at Tate's lips

"Boys I'm gonna steal One if your teammates," Tate took one of Alex's hand and pulled him towards the house no one bothered to stop them, as tj moved to sit with his arm around me I started to wonder about having a different Of relationship, but I don't think i would ever trade what I had for something else

When there's only me and you - TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now