Buffy - Chapter Three

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staring up at the ceiling in andi's room was fine at first but after two hours of it and i still couldn't fall asleep andi had over three hours ago so I rolled over and unplugged my phone and opened my Instagram, the first post I opened to see was a picture of a sunset over a lake it was from Cyrus but there weren't any lakes that looked like that around the area.

'spending the weekend with my BF and the BBall team down in the middle of nowhere,' the caption read from Cyrus, he wasn't in the photo, there were three guys in the shot though, all looking away from the camera, as it seemed though. they where happy.

clicking through to Tjs Instagram, as he had been tagged on one of the guys he had also posted a new photo, Cyrus sat on the sandy beach looking off into the distance he clearly hadn't known the photo would be taken but it was an album so sliding over Cyrus was trying to cover the camera, he looked so damn happy but I was already up so I when back and clicked on the page of a guy named Alex where he had mostly photos of basketball games and him with a younger boy, but then the first one that showed up was one with Cyrus leaning over and sticking out his tongue at the phone, the next picture being around eleven guys outside a summer cottage with there bags at the front door, with the caption

'missing my baby boy but chilling with the bball boys and lil cy,'

I wonder how this guy was talking about but I let it go and guessed it was the younger guy that was in the rest of this mans photo, but I wasn't sure,

I somehow fell asleep only to wake up by andi she had gotten dressed already and it was sunny out now,

"come on were going to watch Chloe's race, get dressed," she had jumped on me I rubbed my eyes and pushed her off of me,

"ill get dress," I got up from the ground rummaging through the suitcase and pulling out a pair of black shorts a cute seashell teeshirt I had gotten at Disney I then walked into the bathroom pulling on everything then brushing out my crazy curly hair letting andi in to wash her face and work with her hair. to which she brushed out her hair then pulled it up into a high ponytail and started doing makeup, "you wear makeup"

"hm yeah, just foundation and eyeliner but I decided when I went to high school to wear a little bit of makeup my self," she told me as she applied her foundation then lipgloss,

we were almost ready when bex called up to us,

"girls Johan's here," she informed us,

"thanks, mom," andi yelled back and walked over to grab her bag, I picked up my wallet and sunglasses and follow her

"we head out to see that race," Johan asked as he had lied over the sofa, I suppose when you hung out at someone's house all the time you start to act like you own the place

"yeah let's go, it's a ten-minute walk to the pool, and Chloe will chop off our heads if we're late," Andi grab her bag off the ground in front of the door and headed outside,

the pool was ten minutes away like Andi has said, it was a small pool but lots of people stood around to wait for there friend or kid to swim well the swimmers got ready to, Chloe was talking to some guy he looks familiar somehow but I couldn't place it,

"Go, Chloe," Johan called and yelling behinds him as she lined up for her race and damn was she fast speeding through the water faster then most could run then hitting the button turning around and swimming back finishing in 1st place,

"Wow that was intense," I said I had never realized how intense it could be it's not like I swam competitively before,

"Yeah it's got that way, we both have bit marks on countless things due to the stress of swimming" andi laughed, as the next race started, the competition was fun and soon enough Chloe came to join us,

"Hey let's get a cone" she grinned her first place medal around her neck and her swim bag over her shoulder and we head out to the ice cream bar for what everyone truly wanted ice cream when we got stopped for a second

"Hey Chloe congrats by the way and, could you cover for me next practice I'm going to meet my boyfriend for a day or two," a guy asked he looked nice and Chloe seemed to know him

"Yeah Tate I'll keep couch off your back have fun" Chloe grinned hugging this Tate guy then he smiled and walked away he didn't look old enough to drive but who was I to judge

"Off to the ice cream bar," andi jumped up and we walked down the somehow quite street to get are cones

"So how long have you been swimming," I asked as andi and Jonah chatted to fast for any normal human to comprehend

"Almost my whole life my mothers the couch," she sighed giving me a pity smile

"So that guy," I wondered if other kids used her to get the couch off there backs

"Tate, he's actually my brother he dates some guy on the basketball team my mother hates it but I think that's why he likes it so much I've met the guy he's attractive but he's nothing that great" she ranted "or maybe I don't like the guy because he took my brother away from me" she sighed taking a bit of her ice cream

"What do you mean," I asked she sounded troubled

"Me and my brother when we were little where insuperable but as we got older started winning mother put more attention on me so Tate started to find other ways to get attention he would do poorly at meets since doing well to seem not to work for but what really got my mother is when he shows up late with hickeys on his neck and back the first time my mother lost it, so he would do it more often, soon enough a boy knocks at our door grabs Tate by the hand pulls him into a kiss takes him out in his car," she explained

"So maybe it will blow over" I tried to help her,

"Doubt it I don't know how Tate really feels about this guy but the guy seems to really like him," Chloe looked like she had spilt her heart out and she kinda had.

"That really sucks Chloe" I put my hand on her shoulder she looked up and smiled we both then fell into a comfortable quite where we tried to keep up with andi and Johan 

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