Cyrus - twenty-five

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guess what I'm back I almost died of exams and stress but I'm back now, to do what exactly I do not know, I'm gonna get back into posting on Mondays even though Andi Mack comes out on Fridays now it gives me something to work on throughout the week,

It has come to my attention that my grammar and spelling suck to this I say yes I did know I was diagnosed with a spelling disability at 7, that's not an excuse but I do hope it helps you understand why my grammar can be so terrible as I don't have anyone to read it On that note if you would like to help me edit some of the earlier chapters let me know, message me or whatever, I can use the help now without further ado me messing with our favourite ship Tyrus 


amber had come home from school for the week, something about and reading week and not wanting to deal with her breakup she came back from NYC to visit TJ, they had been close since they where little and don't get me wrong I love TJ and I love Amber but I hate when they're together. 

we sat at a booth in the spoon amber had gotten in just under an hour ago and I already wanted her to leave. 

Amber sat on the same side as TJ, his arm leaning on the back of the booth seat and ambers talking to him, well us but she has her eyes focused on him as she waves her pretty light pick nails around as she talks. occasionally flicking back her long blonde hair, that kept falling back into her face and I rocked on my side of the booth my hands down on the seat the two of them off in their little world. 

"and I'm telling you you'll love living in hell's kitchen not only good food but its so much cheaper to get things like grocery and shit. I adore being down there, I think I saw the cutest little place to rent if you get in," Amber gushed pulling me back into the conversation. 

"amber that's not for another year and I haven't applied or gotten accepted," TJ shook his head.

"to what," I asked both of them snapping there heads in my direction. 

"To NYU of course for universities where are you applying" Amber leaned forward placing her elbows on the table her dangerous blue eyes staring into mine as I thought of an answer. I hadn't really thought too hard about it, to be honest. 

"I'm staying more local then New York, But I had thought about going to Columbia which is in New York," I shrugged I had thought of a couple things, being a therapist or going into doing research on mental health. 

"Really I heard it was a good school you'll need super high grades for it, but what else," amber pushed once again.

"Um, well I know the local college has some good programs" I gulped. 

"that's true amber lay off of him, he doesn't have to have it all figured out just yet," TJ stood up for me pulling amber back to the seat by the collar of her low cut silver blouse. 

"I suppose," amber bit her lower lip, I would guess she felt bad, but this was amber she rarely felt bad for anyone, sysmapthic sure bad no. 

"you didn't have it figured out when you were in eleventh grade," TJ reminded her and they were back in there world, and I wanted so badly to pull her long blonde hair back and curl up next to TJ and see if she got the point, he was my boyfriend after all. 

I couldn't do that. I don't know what it was about amber but I felt so, so jealous when she showed up, her power over him was strong, for some reason unknown to me. 

"but I had a plan get into NYU with a Dance scholarship, I could figure out the rest after I got that," I heard their word but now I was in my own little world one of anger and jealousy, Tate and Alex never had this problem, but tate and Alex knew abosulty everything about each other. I look for millions of years and still not know everything about TJ and it bugged me. 

he could read me like a book in the library once I was in your hands you could know everything, 

TJ was like a locked house, you could peer in through the windows but you still wouldn't know everything about the contents inside. 

"amb its different for you then it is for us," 

"not as much for you maybe for Cyrus," 

How was it I could see a future with someone that I would never truly know everything about.

"Um I should head home, I forgot my dad wanted me to help him clean up the attic you guys stay Ill catch up later," I spook quickly because I thought I might cry but I pushed my self up and left not waiting to hear their objections or questions, I was only on the other side of the storefront when I felt the first tear drop from my eye. it travelled from my left eye streaking down my pale cheek as I picked up the pace running as fast as my short legs would carry me.

in some cruel twist of fate I ended up in that park, the one I had avoided since the event, I now I wiped my tears and I sat on the swing set not moving using it more like an unstable chair, I was almost sunset so no little kids where around and it wasn't dark enough for the older kids who used the park to be out yet, so I sat there by my self looking at the old woodchips and playing with my bracelet.

TJ had given it to me, almost a year ago now, it wasn't much weaved from a fine grey string but his own hands, even though he had a job he set it all aside for the future. in the middle there was a small charm with two letters T and C, I have no clue how TJ got his hands on a charm like this but I adored it. 

I don't know why I had run from the spoon, My heart hurt as I watched Amber and TJ and my head told me to get out of there so I listened, but I had no clue what to do now, TJ would ask when he, as usual, showed up in my window later tonight and I didn't have an answer. 

I could lie I could tell him that I really did have to help my dad but I didn't want to lie to him not anymore plus he wouldn't believe me. 

I could not open the window when he knocked pretend I had fallen asleep, whether or not that was true but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep not now after everything and I already knew I couldn't lie. 

I guess the real thing I had to figure out was, what was the truth.  

When there's only me and you - TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now