Cyrus - chapter thirty four

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New York was much too big for my liking ill tell you that much, as we walked from the airport to where I had found TJ was living with amber some older part of the city not too far from where they had their classes.

I had been ran into about twenty times, two people almost pushed me into traffic and I must have lost about twenty percent of my hearing from the honking of the car horns. although Buffy had been thriving here and far too soon for my liking we were standing in front of the building that housed TJ and Amber.

it was slightly quieter on this street mostly just students who had been coming down the street and most of them had been heading to the drunken donuts that were only steps away from where I paced

"You don't have to do this, Cyrus," Buffy called as I paced in front of the tall old building I honestly don't know why I brought her with me to new york expect that she basically got on the plane with or without my opinion

"you didn't have to come don't you have exams or something," it had been also five months I wanted to get over all of this exams had been hard enough,

"I had exams before you did so no, besides I wasn't about to let you fly to new york and do this alone," Buffy placed her hand on my shoulder as I looked up again then a girl with very long blond hair ran straight into us,

"can I help you," she started off in a scolding tone then looked up it was amber she had one earbud hanging out her shirt the other was placed into her ear as she looked us over as if we had been something out of a movie "Cyrus? Buffy?" she questioned

"it's us, someone here wanted to talk to TJ and apply wouldn't do it on the phone," Buffy spoke rolling her eyes, Amber gave me a quick once over then pulled open the door

"Alright I'll buzz you in then Buffy we can go get a coffee and come back if this goes south we'll need to be here but I don't want to be the culprit for the crime," she nodded pressing three buttons and the door swings open just the tiniest bit, "apartment three-ten just knock on the door he'll answer, conner or joshie might be there but don't worry too much about them."

the building was really old and it smelt of faded cigarette smoke and alcohol like no one had smoked in the building for years but at one time the mostly abandoned lobby had been a lively place with parties now it was a ghost town.

there sat a college man in the lobby his head in a book large black headphones over his ears flatting down a line of dark red hair and just watched him for a while

"do let me know if I can help you," the boy called out, and Cyrus almost screamed

"I'm sorry," I squeaked out hitting the up button for the elevator

"that hasn't worked for several months take the stair," the man called again he was getting up now his book now placed in a book bag and his headphones now resting on his shoulders as he checked his cell phone

"Oh alright, I'm sorry for before," I chimed up one more time but the man was gone down the hall so I went to find the stairwell it had been rather easy since the door was only a couple minutes down a lobby hallway to a grey door with a silver plate reading 'stairwell'

there was at least twenty floors in the building and it was so lucky for my sake that TJ only lived on the third floor that didnt make the stairs any more fun to clime up I was huffing just a little bit as I reached the thrid floor door.

as I pulled open the door I took a deep breath as I started down the hallway, I started biting my lower lip as the door numbers climed and then I was there apartment three ten just like every other door on the floor but it felt diffent for me.

I knocked once and I heard someone move inside the apartment everything with in me told me to run bolt down the hallway but I couldn't move I couldnt move my feet down the hall and the door swiftly swug open.

"Hi," I managed out my voice was squeaky, i wanted to hit my self and start over already how the door had revealed TJ he wasn't fully dressed yet he was in flannel pants and an old tee-shirt as he looked out at me

"Cyrus?" he asked his eyes squinting to look at me fully, I could smell that he had drank alittle bit the night before but it wasnt all that strong just as if he had gone to a party and had a good time.

"yeah," I coughed, I shouldnt have done this my friends had all tryed to talk me out of it and i hadnt lisaned so I started what I could do best I started to babble "Um is this a bad time maybe I should go, do this a couple of months from now," I started to move and he reached out and lighly grabbed my wrist, and i turned back.

"you came her for a reason annd I know it wasnt to mindlessly babble for five seconds and run off." he looked me in the eye and I wanted to melt

"I did but you know its been a while and maybe if i just go back then we dont have to do anything and we can go on pretending that nothing happend." I babbled out I spoke so fast even I was starting to question what i was saying.

"come in your not gonna get a plane back out for a while so you might as well do what you came here for." TJ sighs so I do exactly that I follow him back into his apartment.

When there's only me and you - TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now