cyrus - chapter eight

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"Jonah found out about Cyrus crush," andi said we where all quite as I thought back to that day.

"Hey Cy what's new," Jonah smiled only last week Buffy had left without resolving any problems

"Nothing," I sighed he was so damn cute so I started off at Tj he looked pretty hot in his uniform

"Why are you staring down Tj did he do anything to you," Jonah asked looking ready to fight the oblivious Tj

"No I just," I stopped mid-scene I hadn't told Jonah yet so how would I explain my next works but I said then anyways, "Tj looks good in his uniform that's all" I brush off

"I'm sure all the girls know," Jonah laughed even though Tj was clearly gay he had told the whole school a couple days ago me about a month ago,

"Jonah Tj is gay," I raised my eyebrow at him

"Oh right I forgot," he shrugged, "wait does that mean that your," his eye widened piecing together the clues

"Yeah I'm not crushing on him though I just think he looks nice," I defend so maybe I was crushing on tj but come on look at him who couldn't

"Whatever man Tjs a jerk but clearly you are crushing on someone or you wouldn't care if I thought you liked tj," it was honestly like this man had become a detective overnight

"It's nothing I should probably go," I brush so hard I felt the heat coming from my face as I grabbed my stuff,

When Jonah kissed me,

"What was that," I asked pushing him off of me,

"What you said you were gay," Jonah shrugged like it was no big deal but it was to me I did like him but I didn't want this

"That doesn't me anyone can come around kissing me," I argue could he not see how wrong it was to do that, my first kiss with someone I actually care about means nothing

"You clearly have a crush on me," Jonah argued back. Jonah beck is the straightest person I know he didn't like doing that, he will never do it again but I'm not someone's experiment

"Leave me alone," I run off as I find tj is running with me far enough that it looks like he's not chasing me but close enough that I know he's there,

"Hey I saw what happened you okay," Tj asked once I felt like I was far enough away for it not to matter,

"Yes- no not really" I panted sitting on the ground baring my head in my knee as tj sits next to me,

"It doesn't fell like it right now but you'll be okay Cyrus Goodman, you'll be okay," Tj said then he sat quietly with me then walked me home giving me a simple wave goodbye watching him run back down the street I started to wonder if maybe what I felt for tj wasn't purely physical attraction

"So you wanted to tell people," Buffy shrugged

"It's not like that he kissed me and it wasn't right I need to find other people who I wasn't a test to," I sigh she wouldn't get it because I still don't really get it but I do know Jonah hurt me and tj helped me.

"Oh," It was all Buffy could master out,

"I should go here's my number feel free to call," I sighed neatly printing my cell number then walking out to Tjs car,

"Hey baby you okay," tj asked as I hoped in buckling up then Tj pulled out of the driveway

"Better then I thought, I'm justified in feeling betrayed by Jonah for what happened right," I asked looking out the window as I spoke

"Yes, you are justified he didn't have the right to do that." Tj nodded as we sat quietly again after getting back to tj house I snuggled up to tj and fell asleep

But I woke up soon after to Lauren jumping on Tjs bed,

"IM JUMPING JUMPING ON TJ BED IM JUMPING JUMPING BECAUSE I CAN JUMP JUMP JUMP" the three-year-old screamed as tj slipped out from my arms and grabbed Lauren swinging her around as she laughed

Tj was good with Kids he worked with them and he lived with them I didn't like to think about the future too much but in a perfect world one day the little child jumping on the bed would be mine and tj I hadn't really worked out the details quite yet.

"Cyrus you silly billy your sleeping the suns still up," Lauren laughed flopping next to me,

"I'm very tired will you put on my favourite show," I told her as she grabbed the remote and turned on mike the knight no I don't really like this show but all of Tjs siblings do so I let them watch it it's not super annoying but it's for toddlers that for sure

Tj lies down next to me where he was before but now Lauren sat in between snuggling up to both of us when kaz came in he was Lauren's twin but he climbed up the bed and joined us they where so calm when they were quite

Tj has told me before that with four toddlers his parents can sometimes over look if one or two slip out of the play area but after about and hour his mother came in, in a panic

"Have you see" she stopped mid scentcsn when she saw Lauren and kaz fast asleep I was dozing off but tj was staying awake I can tell the difference his breathing it slows down and stablezes when he falls asleep it's a huge difference but we all fell asleep there that day as Tjs Mom didn't want to move the kids in case they woke up and I was staying here with tj

Maybe everything that has happened lead me to something I just had to prove I was worthy first.  

the next day I was taking a small walk Tj had to go to his touter for a couple hours so that math would be easier for him when we went back to school then I bumped into him 

him who I had for so long avoid. 


Hiay because andi mack has a show on this evening I have deside to put a chapter up today and on Monday then I have a small break with some special content for a couple weeks stay tuned 

- broken

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