buffy - chapter thirteen

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cyrus looked okay, well that's a lie he looked like you had taken everything he had ever worked for and the people he loved and destroyed them right in front of his eyes, but the doctors and his parents where sure he would be okay after he got some physical therapy, but if Tj didn't wake up I think he would need more then that. Cyrus has somewhat fallin into depression the doctors called on survivors guilt,

Cyrus felt like he could have done something, anything but he didn't he doesn't talk about Tjs last moments before he slipped into the coma and he finds it hard to talk about what happened when the car crashed.

There was this man from the other car not the one at fault but another one who was the most reliable witness and he had talked to Cyrus and got his statement to the police he ended up being okay, he spent over night in the hospital then when home.

we had simple conversations with Cyrus nothing that would distress him or upset him, playing card games on his bed or reading books well I read the book to Cyrus and andi would make these string bracelets that she would tie on random things gived then to the kids in the childrens hospital ward and  the conversations where just casual but every so often his eyes would go dark, exactly when Tjs little siblings would come, laran snuggled up next to Cyrus because the five year old need the comfort kaz her twin stayed cuddled on the edge of the bed. Caden and chandler where only two years old they didn't know what was going on, they kept asking for tj not quite getting why he wouldn't be able to talk to him.

i started wondering what was happening his his head, what was Cyrus thinking about, what ran through his head when he eyes went dark and he went quite, his mind sturd worse then what he looked like, it was so worse then he looked, I don't know i don't think i could know, but summer ended in three weeks, and in two weeks I was headed back home everything had gone so fast and it felt like leaving all over again, the streets that had grown framiler once again the people who knew my name and waved as they saw me past and it all seemed like that was pointless as Tj kippen lay unconsuhe in a hospital bed and cyrus was physically maimed, and emotional destroyed

If Tj dies then the drunk driver gets charged with manslaughter if Tj lives he gets a DUI and charged with vehicular assault but that dousent make anything better because no matter who you charged Tj has four little sibling how do you explain to them that there older brother is uncommon and there a chance he wouldn't wake up.

how do you explain that to anyone really

I was to be going home in to weeks back to the city i live, and to forget everything that happen just play basketball and focus on school, this summer wasn't meant to be like this.

We stood out side tj room there was a window in he looked terrible his eyes closed but with small cuts from glass on his face and arms his chest badged  but some red bled threw his mother sat next to him holding his hand an crying well his dad couldn't even look.

I didn't wanna look my self but I did and I remembered everything that he had ever said to me, his cold demier his sly grin his attractive glow when he was playing ball with his friends.

I hated tj because he was rude but I hated him a little more because he was human because he chose his friends wisely if he had been rude to everyone I don't think I would have hated him as much as I had I don't think I hate tj anymore, I don't think I can.

He was good to Cyrus, he was good to Cyrus when I wasn't good to Cyrus, because I let him get in the way Cyrus had always become friends with troubled people as he had gotten older me and andi May have been the only friend that weren't troubled but then again andi had the hole problem with her mom and finding that out and I had my issues. But amber Tj they were of another caliber the only thing is I think they could help Cyrus in return more then I ever did.

"Buffy, are you listening" andi touched my shoulder as I whipped my head around to talk to her

"No I'm sorry what were you saying,"I asked as I kept my eyes trained on her, it was kinda hard to be focused on andi when right be side up lay a boy who had just been driving then lost everything.

"We have to go home now," she took my hand pulling me away as my mind still lingered back with tj with Cyrus with everything I leave for home in two weeks it had been hard to remember why I left, because I was running away? My mother? Really I didn't know any more,

"Do you think he'll walk up" I asked carefully

"It's only been three weeks we can't lose hope yet" andi turns to me be she doesn't look convinced either she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and we walk out into the blaseing light to andis car we drive in silence back to andis house it feels like more and more we sit in the quiet of the world around us, waiting for a phone call that we know will never come, but we can hope that's all really we can hope for a better tomorrow but that doesn't change today,


I am glad I finished this and about three other chapters in advance as when this is up my grandfather has passed on he had lived a very long time and pasted away in hospitals, so I have a bit of a hard time writing about hospitals

I'll see everyone next week


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