buffy - chapter nine

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after Cyrus and Tj pulled away I sat down to think over everything,

"why would," I ask andi she knew more then she had told me so far,

"he regrets doing it now but he never gave me a true answer, Cyrus avoids us at all costs after that so I don't think that Johan ever explained himself to Cyrus," andi shook her head brushing her hair back out of her face.

"did he even try to patch things up," I demanded like she knew the answers,

"I don't know Buffy you where gone I was so busy within my own head that I didn't ask I made mistakes we all did and the cards landed and no one went to fix the selection," andi sighed at some point she had become the realistic one, as she talked like everything that had happened as much as it sucked, happened a little over two years ago, "Buffy, Cyrus isn't mad anymore, Johan understands what he did, but we all changed, Cyrus has Tj and there happy, I guess so please leave it alone, no one wants to relive the past it hurts to much," andi sits down next to me as she puts her hand on mine, as I choke back my tears, If I was here would it have been different,

yes, for better or for worse though,

"is Cyrus happy with Tj," I ask andi would know better than me I've been here for three weeks she never left,

"don't ask me, Tj always looked pissed off to me, I really don't get how he works at the children's gym," andi jokes but she still serious, Tj did have this vibe to him that warded off other people, they were like guards set up to protect himself,

"I think that's just his face," I shrug laughing a little bit to just as andi starts to,

"maybe it different behind closed doors, not so out in the open like Tate and Alex," andi shrugs rolling her eyes,

"there that out in the open," I ask I have seen tate and Alex about three times, I wasn't really sure what to think about Alex,

"tates a year younger so they have to make out in the school halls at the break, its annoying" andi laughs

"I keep meaning to ask how did you met Chloe shes in grade nine," I ask as we get up to go to the kitchen andi hops up on the counter as I grab the chips from the combord

"I met Chloe well working at cloud ten she has a job there too, at first she was just a college right but she was sweet and funny so I started to hang out with her when we were on shift," andi shrugged

"Really, how is the shop going anyways," I ask maybe because I don't wanna talk about Cyrus or Chloe or any of them anymore,

"Pretty good it's made my mom pretty happy now that's she's dating Bowie again her life is running well" andi explained then we left to get something to eat like everything  was normal,

that didn't stop the thoughts from wandering, could i have been there, then back to the day before I left.

"what can I do to make it up to you," Cyrus asked he looked down at his shoes

"I can't be your friend, Cyrus, not if your friends with Tj." I argued, looking over Cyrus he looked so upset by My words like I had just punched him in the gut

"you're giving me an Ultimatum," Cyrus forced out

" he or me decide," I stood my ground

"how is that fair Buffy you know I'll always pick you. you're my best friend." Cyrus said the words but I wasn't sure he meant it, which hurt way more what did Tj have that I didn't.

"then why don't you act like it," I almost screamed,

"No Buffy you aren't acting like it okay, so I want to help Tj you never need my help or let anyone help you I get you hate him and yes he's been a jerk to you but well guess what he's nice to me so yeah buffy this is a little harder than when you told me to decide between popcorn and gummy bears," Cyrus was yelling but tears streamed from his eyes.

"Cyrus," I sighed

"no not to mention your leaving," Cyrus shook his head, whipping the tears from his eyes

"why can't you just not talk to Tj is not anything important," I demanded but Cyrus had turned away then stop for a second

"find me when you want to have a reasonable conversation," Cyrus said then was gone down the street,

I never did go to find him in their friendship Cyrus had always been the one to patch things up, but he never did, he never said goodbye.

the next morning the day I was set to leave andi and Johan showed up at my house,

"is Cyrus coming," I asked looking out the door to see if he was behind them.

"Cyrus told us that he wasn't going to make amends this time and that if you wanted to see him he would be at the library all day doing a school project," Johan bit his lip,

"oh yeah we got into a fight yesterday," I nodded looking away as my friends came in we played board game until Johan and andi had to get home, it ran through my mind to go see Cyrus but I didn't I picked up the last of my stuff and left.

maybe everything would be different if I hadn't left, or maybe Cyrus would always have left to be with Tj, would Johan have kissed Cyrus, but I knew things would never be the same with everything that changed but I felt like I was the only one who hadn't everyone looked so different I looked the same acted the same.

was change good, I could never really answer that question, because I wouldn't know but tears spilled from my eyes as I opened my box I had kept a book full of photos I hadn't dared open it since I left but on top sat a photo of me Cyrus and andi, we where younger happy and together.

It was almost midnight when my phone rang I didn't recognize the number but I picked up anyways

"Buffy I need you to drive me to the hospital," It was Chloe cried through the speaker

"What happened," I asked jumping out of bed knocking on andi's door and pulling on my shoes,

"Cyrus and Tj they got into a car accident," then the line went dead

Hiay So this is the final chapter for the next five weeks then I will start up again with the main story

First, there is a three-part series on Tate and Alex's meeting and Tate's childhood

But then I head back to school and I need some time to get readjusted so I'll spend the four weeks (I have most of the Tate story written) stalking up on chapters getting ahead but I go back to school in three weeks which is not fun but is almost my birthday so that fun I'm going to be 16 I need to reevaluate my life chooses I still watch kids shows, but thats not the point, 

I do hope you don't hate me for the cliffhanger (well you can hate me a little I tend to hold a little bit of resentment to cliffhangers,) and are enjoying the story so far


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