Sea weed

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Water in wet hair
Shining like stars in night sky
Is that seafoam I see
Seaweed threaded through tangles tendrils
Yet how your hair, so silky, so soft
I yearn for just a touch

Do you live or do you breathe
Do you walk in land or delve in sea
Your perfection so unnatural yet natural
Should you belong to the sea and raging waters
That would tear me apart, for I am human

Are you real or are you just a lie
A figment of my imagination ran too wild;
Are you alive
Do you even breathe?

Ah, I see now
You breathe not air but water
You live, yet are not alive
For I am dreaming
No, am I walking?
Sleepwalking perhaps, or is this dream
All too real in my vision
Towards you, and you only

You beckon me with lift of finger
I am your puppet, come I will
To your cold embrace
To your salty kisses
But you drag me beneath the water

I am drowning
In my nightmares? In reality?
Something clogs and blocks my throat
My fear? Or do I taste salt?
I email and thrash
In water? On land?
Am I safe and snug in bed
Or drowning in the sea that turned on me

I see naught but you
Tricky little siren you are, giggling
Tempting me with beauty and such sweetness
Alas, tricked I am
Still you smile so sweetly before me

Before blackness consumes
Before my eyes I see
Black silky tendrils of hair
Swirling through murky waters deep

They tangle about my throat and squeeze
The very life out of me

Beware of the seaweed

A quick summary of the poem above. It seems quite confusing, but I wrote this poem with this story in mind: a man who hallucinates of a mermaid and wades into the sea, later he is caught in seaweed and drowns because he cannot escape from it.

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