We are but masks

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We are but masks
Intricately layered deception,
We plaster on smiles
We fake a frown
We grin despite our simmering resentment
Our faces give nothing away
All so carefully crafted
We become illusions, magicians
Of trickery and treachery
For our magic is but a sleight of hand
A trick of the gullible eye
Missing the most crucial detail,
That we are but masks

For a husband may seem a hero
In the eyes of outsiders
But in the safety of home he
Barks in the pleasure of abuse;
And a wife may be like a tiger
Teeth shining and claws like ebony
But what are blunt weapons against
The wrath of her husband?
And that we are, nothing but masks
Each hiding behind our shields
That no one sees nor notices

Our masks are the norm
Of this harsh cruel reality
And so tragic it be
That we all are masks
The essence of humanity evaporated
Leaving but the cold hard mask

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