Silent words

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Silent words written

By an empty pen

Void of ink, it

Only scratches, no stains

Mar the unblemished clean

Snow-white purity of paper

Like a lone voice

In the midst of this

Bustling modern city

The crowd that talks, 

Never listens and the

Honks of metal machines,

Rumbling of mechanic gears grinding

Drowning me out

Drowning us out

We, the young

Still immature, still un-wise

Are neat words scrawled

Silently and unseen 

Invisible to most who read us

Thinking themselves so clever

 That they read between the lines

Ignoring the plea for help

Etched deep into the pages

Only we know our secrets

Feeling the unseen words engraved

Pain expressed as chicken scratch

Unknown to the world

Who sees, only just

Blank paper

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