Cold Wind

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Lash by lash it strikes
Harsh, ruthless and persistent
In its cruel unjustified punishment

It blows darkness across the sun
Enveloping warmth in a cold prison
And from the sky sends down
Blasts of icy chills down
The building's spines such that

They shivers
And trembles
Ever so slight

The leaves protest
Rustling and crackling
Falling and withering
Blown to bits and crumpling
To the ground in a rubbish heap
The wind swipes away
All doubts of its authority
Wielding complete control

It possesses windmills
Turning and twisting and tearing
So fierce, so ferocious its attack
And tall bushes surrender
Bowing, forced, low til
Their leafy heads press to the ground

It spills through bills
Pushing and shoving at metal
Cold air against cold steel
But the wind is stronger
Than flimsy metal which gives way
To chimes that ring out
Annoucing the wind

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