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"Seona! Where are you going?"The maid ran after the young 9 year old Seona, around the house

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"Seona! Where are you going?"
The maid ran after the young 9 year old Seona, around the house.

"I want Kookie!"
The younger one pouted, making the maid to adore at her cuteness.

"Seona, why do you need him for?"
The maid sat down, bringing Seona on her lap.

"Because, because, he's the only one who keeps me happy"

"Oh no, you're making me sad, Seona." The maid pouted, pretending to be disappointed.

"You make me happy too!"

"But you only want Jungkook"

"Ah-! No, I-I-"
Tears brimmed her eyes, when unable to comfort the maid.

"You're crying again?"
A 10 year old Jungkook came in, with flowers on his hand.

Seona happily plopped out from the maid's lap, forgetting the fact that she was trying to comfort the maid. She ran forth only to hug him tightly.

"Where were you? You said you will never leave me"

"I made this for you, here"
The boy placed the flowers on her tiny head.

"I knew it would suit you"
He smiled at the little girl adorned with the flower crown.

"Really? Do I look like a princess, Iseu?"
Seona turned to the maid, who sat on the far corner, admiring the innocent interactions between the two children.

"Oh! Our Seona looks so pretty and beautiful like a princess!"
The maid, Iseu, exaggerated.

Jungkook quitely call out to her, but there was no reply.

"Seona? It's me, Kookie. Will you please open this door?"
As soon as his name was mentioned, the door instantly unlocked, swinging open for him to enter.

Inside the room were pieces of papers scattered everywhere, blood rubbed on some papers.

He searched around every corner of the room and found Seona standing beside her cupboard.

She was trembling in fear. Sweats encountered her skin, as her body began to lose her colour, she looked paler than ever. Her hands consisted of sliced markings, the aftermath of cutting herself.

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