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Back at the Jeon building, Jee dragged her luggage behind, leaving to find herself a place to stay

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Back at the Jeon building, Jee dragged her luggage behind, leaving to find herself a place to stay. She knew she wasted a lot of her time postponding, and realized she needed to find a place soon.

She had a cab waiting for her at the entrnace, she walked down the stairs and got into the car.
Before the cab could move out, a car suddenly rushed in, preventing them from moving out.

Jee exasperated, fate up with the situations she was getting herself into. She got out of the cab, annoyed but she was suprised noticing Jungkook being dragged out of the car by his friends. He looked weak and was unable to walk well.

And instinctly, she rushed over to help.

"Is he okay? What happened?"
She questioned worriedly.

"How is she everywhere?"
The blonde guy rudely asked, frowning, as he cautiously pulled his friend away from her grip.

"I became his muse"

"The fuck with this 'muse' thing! When will girls like you ever stop bothering Jungkook! Stay away from him! I know you're really not his friend."
Jimin not knowing the reasons suspected her and her intentions towards his friend.

"I'm just trying to help."
Jee defended herself, offended by his statement.

"Are you deaf?"

"Jimin. Relax! She's a friend. She's not like those girls."
Taehyung approached them from behind, finally sorting out the situation between the two.

"I don't trust her yet, they're crap, worst than shit."
Ignoring Jee's presence, Jimin walked inside while holding onto Jungkook.

"Were you leaving somewhere?"
Taehyung diverted his attention back to Jee.

"I'm, yeah actually, your car blocked the way so."

"Oh I'm sorry about that, but-"

"Taehyung! Come over here! Dammit! I can't carry him all the way!"
Jimin called him out, from the front door, exhausted and in a fume.

"Just come with us, we may need your assistance-"

"I'm sorry, I don't think I should-"
Without wasting anymore time, Taehyung pulled her back inside the building.

"Why is she here?"
Jimin frowned as Taehyung brought her along.

"Jimin, let loose, alright?"

The two men huffed tiredly, annoyed and in pain, as they hastily tried to pull their friend up to his bedroom, while Jee quietly trailed behind them.

"Jungkook! Stop kissing my face!"
Jimin whined as the drunk man clinged unto him, pulling him close so he could kiss him even more.

"How much did she even drugged him?"
Taehyung wondered worriedly.

"That woman, I swear I'm going to ruin her"
Jimin muttered, pissed off.

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