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Waking up clinically, Jee forced herself off the bed and walked downstairs to make breakfast for herself to eat, she took out a pack of milk from the refrigerator, pouring it in a glass

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Waking up clinically, Jee forced herself off the bed and walked downstairs to make breakfast for herself to eat, she took out a pack of milk from the refrigerator, pouring it in a glass. Scooting  herself adjustably  on a chair, she began to daydream, her mind lost in thoughts about someone else.

"It's already a week now, and he's still not back yet-"

Jee sighed, she haven't seen him since the night Seona had her attack. That night, Jungkook didn't even attend to her and just continued to stay by Seona's side. Taehyung had to sacrificed his time to drop Jee back to the house, despite the fact that he didn't mind it and she didn't hear from Jungkook since then.

Just as she had a sip of milk, she heard someone come in through the door. Expecting that it would be Jungkook, Jee quickly ran to the entrance hall, only to be disappointed the next minute.

"Oh? You're here? I thought you were with them?"
Sui asked, surprised to see Jee all alone in the house.

"I just had to come back-"
Jee lowly replied.

"Aren't you bored just staying in this lame house?"
Sui knitted her brows, looking at Jee in amazement.

"I just come around sometimes-"

"Know what? Let's do one thing. Why don't you accompany me to attend a Ramp event?"

"A what event?"

"Since you're already Jungkook's muse, you should have some knowledge about being a model too. Get dressed we're leaving right now-"


"No buts, get dressed right now-"

Hours later, after parking the car in the required lot, Sui got out from the car, while Jee had a confused expression hanging on her face, doubtful about the destination they've reached on.

"Uh-Sui? This isn't the place as indicated the event would be held-?"

"Watch the timing girl, I brought you here to have you a little make over-"
Sui winked at Jee, pulling her inside a random building.

"Now off you go and try these on-"

Sui handed Jee some dresses for her to try on.


Sui instantly shut her off, placing her finger on her lips.

"Go and try it on, before I use my forceful behaviour-"

Jee simply nodded her head, gulping at the sight of Sui's threatening behaviour. She got inside the dressing room, trying out the first dress.

"Here I am-?"
Jee stated, as she stood still, waiting for Sui to clearly observe about the dress she put on.

"Nope, try another one, off you go-"

Wasting almost whole hours of their time, finding the right dress, Jee huffed in annoyance, after coming into knowledge how picky Sui was.

"Sui-it's almost time-!"
Jee whined, her energy was slowly wearing off by trying on multiple kinds of dresses, one after the other.

"Here! Take the lavender. No-wait! The black one's good though-okay! Take the black one-!"

Finally deciding on the dress, the two women exited out of the shop to go on with their plans.

When evening arrived, Sui was already done dressing up.
"Okay, I'm fine and set-"

Checking the time. Sui decided to see if Jee was done.

Approaching the other room, she noticed the door was unlocked, while Sui peeked inside the room, Jee was half naked, as she was slipping herself in the dress.

Seeing such provocative and attractive sight infront of her, Sui took out her cell, taking a picture of Jee dressing up. Jee's bare back was almost exposed, slightly but nearly, with her breast coming into a little display.

"Let's see how you react to this, asshole-"
Sui smirked to herself, sending the picture she just captured, to no other than Jungkook.

And just as expected, minutes later, she received a call from him.


"Sue what the fuck are you doing there? And what the hell's wrong with you? Are you going bisexual-?"

Laughing to herself, she tried to contain her amusement.

"Well what does it look like-?"

"Are you taking Jee somewhere? Sui I told you not to take her anywhere when I'm not there-"

"Well, like it or not. I'm taking her to accompany me to that ramp event, where you were supposed to appear as a guest, ignorant asshole. You're lagging behind, dear brother, you clearly know that-"

"But Sui-"

"Nope I'm not listening to another excuse about Seona needing you there or whatever reason you're about to make. I don't see a beneficial point in it. Talk to you later-"

Sui then shoved her cell inside her clutch, knocking on the door.

"Jee? Are you done?"

"Oh! Yes! I-I am-! Just give me some minute!"

Upon reaching the event, Sui and Jee were lead inside by the volunteers.

"Where's her seat-?"

Walking to the their own required chair, Sui knitted her brows, questioning the individual volunteer.

"I'm sorry we still haven't got her name officially exposed so she still don't count in worthy enough to sit in the front row. If possible she could sit at the back there, I'm sorry-"

"It's fine, I'll just sit at the back-"

Sending an assuring smile to Sui, Jee went to the back, seated in the dark corner.

With people slowly accommodating the chairs and were finally settled. The lights dimmed out and the background music began to play, models began to walk on the ramp, one after the other, displaying the beautiful designs of clothes.

Meanwhile, as Jee was so indulged in the way the models walked, she didn't notice a person sitting next to her.

"Hello, Jee-?"

A sudden chills ran down her spine, when she recognjsed that voice. She turned around to face him, her breathe hitched up, feeling a heavy lump stuck on her throat.

She stuttered.

"Now you know my name? Wow, that's impressive-"

No one could hear their conversation due to the loud music being played, echoing throughout.

Jee frozed up, seated on the chair, gripping onto the silk clothe of her dress, she was contemplating a way to escape from him.

"Not so fast honey, you're my bait tonight-"
Hajoon had his hands travelled around her waist, bringing himself closer to her. Slowly caressing her back, he leaned in to her ear, whispering.

"Did my brother did it with you too-?"

Sucking in a deep breathe, Jee was terrified beyond compare. She began to bit her lips, anxiously. She finally shut her eyes closed, trying to stay as calm as possible, but Hajoon continued to abuse her emotionally.

"Even if you shut your eyes like that, he ain't coming-"


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