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hen both the displeased individuals reached home, one got off the car and walked straight to his room. While the other, took her time as her leg was hurt.

Was all she could muttered when she found him stupidly walking away from an injured acquaintance.

Before submerging herself on the mattress,  she took a quick glance over her cell, receiving a message from Namjoon.

NJ :
Let's meet up, please?
•SMS 10:00

Jee was already tired and did not have the energy to deal with it. She casted her cell away on the table, miffed about the whole situation. Starting with the sudden visit from Namjoon, to the lockup cell incident and finally to the disappointing behaviour characterised by Jungkook.

She jumped over the bed, letting out a tiring sigh.

"What am I doing?"
Jee questioned herself, before disposing herself into a deep slumber. Her eyes slowly giving her up, as her mind wildered into her dreams, with a sinking heart.

Hours later, Jee couldn't have her peaceful sleep.
She sat up, running her hands through her hair, and to her dismay when she checked the time, it was already 3:25 a.m.

"Why the hell?"
She laid back to her bed, trying to force herself to sleep but failed in doing so.

Just then, mumbling curses could be heard from the next room. Jee got out from her bed, with a big lamp on her hand.

Walking out of her room, she tiptoed towards the next room. When she got hold of the door knob, and pushed open the room. She saw how dark the room was.

Contemplating whether or not to go in, Jee hesitantly made her way inside, surveying the whole room.

Convulsive sobs and gasps were now being heard so clearly in her ear, and upon hearing it, she quickly rushed towards the bed where Jungkook laid.

He was sweating profusely, his face reflecting snivel and bitter expressions, his heavy breathing made it more difficult for him to stay put. His hands reach out for the bed sheet, crumpling it under his grab, as exhaustion began to take its course.

"Jungkook? Hey! Jungkook! Wake up!"
Jee tried to shake him off but his eyes still stayed shut, struggling in pain.

"Please wake up!"
Jee barged herself under the sheet with him and quickly got hold of his head, pulling him close to her chest. She tried to calm him down by humming and patting his head softly.

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