she laughed

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she laughed
and for a moment
i could've sworn
it sounded like crying

she smiled
and for a moment
i could've sworn
it didn't reach her eyes

she danced
and for a moment
i could've sworn
a shadow passed over her

she breathed
and for a moment
i could've sworn
she choked

she said she was okay
and for a moment
i could've sworn
she didn't believe it herself

she acted like she was happy
she spoke like she was happy
she looked like she was happy

but the clues are hidden within those cries
the way it didn't reach her eyes

whore, slut, bitch, hoe

she laughed and for a moment
i could've sworn
that the glass
was melting

she laughed
and i swear
it sounded like crying

she broke
and i could've sworn
she laughed

she bled and she laughed
she choked and she laughed
she cried and she laughed
she laughed and she choked
she laughed

she took her last breath
and laughed

the blade plunged into her side
and i could've sworn
she laughed

this isn't about me

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