Chapter 4

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"I'm telling you, it's spooky! She knows move about you than you do!" Ron tells Harry as we walk up the staircase

"Who doesn't?" Harry says to him "What's happening?" Harry asks as she stair cases suddenly moves

"The staircases change remember?" I tell him and we walk of the stairs

"Let's go this way." Harry tells us

" Before the staircase moves again. " Ron says and Harry women's an old door and we all follow him through. The only light is coming from a couple of lit torches which are all covered in cob webs

"Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here?" I asks them

"We're not supposed to be here. This is the third floor. It's forbidden!" Hermione tells us

"Let's go." Harry says as we hear a meow and we see Filch's cat looking at us

"Flich's cat!" I say

"Run! Quick, let's hide through that door!" Harry says and we all run over to the wooden door and Harry tries to open it but it's locked " It's locked!" Harry tells us

"that's it we're done for!" Ron says panicking as we hear Filch coming

"Oh! Move over!" Hermione says while pushing Ron out of the way" Alohomora! Get in!" Hermione says as the door swings open, we all run in and close it behind us

"Alohomora?" Ron asks Hermione

"Standard Book Of Spells- Chapter 7!" Hermione tells him

" He thinks this door is locked." I tell them

"It was locked." Hermione says

"And for good reason." Harry says and I turn to see a huge three headed dog growling at us

"AHHHHHH" we scream and we run out locking the door and run back to the common room

" What do they think they're doing? Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?" Ron asks as we walk up the stairs to the dormitories

"You don't use your eyes do you? Didn't you see what it was standing on?" Hermione asks him

"I wasn't looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads. Or maybe you didn't notice... the three!" Ron exclaims

"It was standing on a trap door. It wasn't there by accident. It's guarding something." Hermione tells us

"Guarding something?" I asks her

" That's right. Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you three come up with another clever idea to get killed or worse... expelled" hermione tells us before walking into the girls room.

"She needs to sort out her priorities." Ron says

"Night guys" I say before walking into the room and getting into bed


We have been at hogwarts for a month now and today is Halloween which is one of my favourite days of the year. I have already had two detentions both from Snape as he caught me , fred Andy George putting dung bombs in his desk which was pretty funny although I got a lecture from Hermione who told me that i should be focusing on my studies . First lesson is Charms which is alright I sit with Ron and Harry with Hermione the other side of Ron.

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