Chapter 30

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"How was your date then"Harry asks a the four of us sit in the Great Hall

"It was perfect"I tell him with a smile

"So did he ask you out"Milne asks me

"Yeah, he's now my boyfriend"I tell her making her squeal "How was your day anyway?" I ask her

"the post office! It's about 200 owls, all sitting on color- coded shelves, depending on how fast you want your letter to go!"Mione tells me

"And Honeyduke's is brilliant! Sugar Quills, Flaming Whizbees -- and blood-flavored lollipops for Halloween!"Ron says and  Harry nods, picking quietly through the spray of brilliantly colored sweets on the table which we all notice

"But, I mean, after awhile, it got a bit boring. Don't you think, Ron?"Mione asks him

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Dead depressing. Hang on. I almost forgot. I got you something wicked at Dervish and Banges. It's a Pocket Sneakoscope."Ron says as he places a small glass spinning top on the table. If there's someone untrustworthy around, it's meant to light up and spin. Mind you, Fred and George say it's rubbish, sold for wizard tourists, but I thought, you know, it can't hurt, given that"Ron begins to explain

"Sirius Black's trying to kill me" Harry says as he looks up "I'm glad you had a good time. Really. And thanks for this. Rubbish or not, you're right. It can't hurt." Harry says as he  pops a pepper mip  into his mouth.

"Oh, careful of those, they'll make your." I begin to says but smoke curls from Harry's ears and nose"Never mind" I finish

Me, Harry, Ron, and Mione climb the stairs but we find a crowd gathering on the Seventh Floor landing"What's the hold-up? Only Neville ever forgets the password"Ron says

"Hey"Neville says from behind us as Percy pushes past us

"Let me through, please. Excuse me, thank you, I'm Head Boy.. Back! All of you! No one is to enter this dormitory until it has been fully searched!"Percg says and me, Harry, Ron, and Milne  exchange dark glances as Ginny emerges from the crowd

"The Fat Lady... she's gone"Ginny tells us

"Probably stuffing her face with the apples in that still life on the second floor again" Ron says

"No. You don't understand"Ginny tells him as I see the  Fat Lady's portrait has been slashed with great strips of canvas hanging from the frame. As Dumbledore appears with Filch

"Mr. Filch. Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."Dumbledore tells him

"There'll be no need for ghosts, Professor"Filch says as he extends a crooked finger. High up, near the ceiling, the Fat Lady cowers in a portrait not her own, trembling and we all rush over to her

"Dear  lady. Who did this to you?"Dumbledore asks her

"Eyes like the devil he's got. And a soul as dark as his name. It was him, Headmaster. The one they talk about. He's here. Somewhere in the castle. Sirius Black."She tells him and I begin to panic a bit but I feel an arm go other my shoulders and I calm down seeing it's George

"Secure the castle, Mr. Filch. The rest of you... to the Great Hall"Dumbledore says and we all do as he says

I lay awake as i look up at the cealing in the Hall, on one side of me is Harry who I have noticed is also awake and on the other side of me is George who hasn't let me out of his sight since up on the seventh floor

" I've done the dungeons, Headmaster. No sign of Black. Nor anywhere else in the castle" I hear Snape say nearby so I close my eyes pretending to be asleep

" I didn't really expect him to linger"Dumbledore says

"Remarkable feat, don't you think? To enter Hogwarts castle on one's own, completely undetected. You may recall, prior to the start of term, I did express my concerns when you appointed Professor -"Snape starts to say

"I do not believe a single professor inside this castle would have helped Sirius Black enter it, Severus. No... I feel quite confident the castle is safe. And I'm more than willing to let the students return to their Houses"Dumbledore says

"What about Potter and Black should they be warned"Snape asks

"perhaps but  for now, let them sleep It's astonishing what the body can endure when the mind allows itself to rest"Dumbledore replies

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