Chapter 54

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I walked up the stairs to Umbitch's office with Harry behind me and knocked lightly the wooden door and I heard a 'Come in' from inside. I walked in and the first thing I noticed was everything was pink, literally. The walks were a baby pink with plates of kittens on them each meowing and the desk was pink with gold trimmings

"You two will be doing some lines for me today. You will write ' I must not tell lies'" Umbitch says as we take a seat at the two desks set out that have a quill and parchment on them

"How many times" I ask

"As many as it takes for the message to sink in" she says with a smile

"You haven't given us any ink"Harry tells her

"Oh you won't need any ink" she says taking a seat behind her desk.

I began writing my lines with the quill but as I did so my right hand began to itch and ache. I got to my fourth line and the pain on my right hand was getting worse, I looked down at my hand and the words 'I must not tell lies' were carved into my skin with blood dripping down my hand. What kind of person does this?

"Mr Potter. You may go" Umbitch tells Harry as she looks at his hand with a smile " Miss Black I want a word"She says as Harry hesitantly gets up looking at me worried

"I'll meet you in the common room"I tell him as he sends me an apologetic smile and walks out

"Now miss Black, I want you to tell me where your hiding your murderous father" Umbitch tells me

"Over my dead body" I hiss at her

"I will ask you one more time, where is he?"She asks with a sickening smirk

"I don't know and even if I did, I won't tell you" I tell her as I get up and walk out of her office

I walk into the common room and Fred and George are trying their products out on a few students but as I walk further in, I see Mione questioning Harry about what Umbitch did to him.

"Lola! Let me see your hand" Mione she coming over to me

"Okay" I say holding out my left hand

"Your other hand" she says

"Why?" I ask her playing stupid but I feel someone grab my left hand

"Who did this?"George asks angry as he examines

"Umbridge" I mutter as I pull my hand away

"Love you need to report it"George says firmly

"No I don't. It will only cause more trouble with her and the ministry and that's the last thing Dumbledore needs"I say before walking up to my dorm and pulling out a quill and parchment

​​​​​ Dear Padfoot,

I hope your okay. Things are definitely strange here and having Umbitch around definitely isn't helping.

Inspite of only being back a short time I can't help but want to come home, Hogwarts definitely has changed

since last year and I'm not sure I like it.

Some people won't talk to Harry as they claim he's lying about Voldy being back and it's really affecting him.

I hope Remus is alright I know it can't be easy for him at the moment at well so do send him my regards and

tell him he better make a move on Tonks if not I'll do it for him.

The twins have started to sell some of their products to some students which I'm happy about although they

keep asking me to test out some new ones.

I can't wait to see you at Christmas it till then look after yourself, I miss you.

Lost of love your daughter

Lola xx

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