Chapter 70

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"For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it yet you have no desire to find out who the Half-Blood Prince is"I say to Harry as the four of us walk through the snow to Hogsmead

"I didn't say I wasn't curious and I don't sleep with it"Harry tells me

"Well it's true, I like a nice chat before I go to bed now all you do is read that bloody book. It's like being with Hermione"Ron tells Harry making Hermione glare slightly

"Well I was curious so I went to- -"Mione starts to say

"The library"Me, Harry and Ron finish

"And?"Harry asks her

"And nothing, I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a Half-Blood Prince"Mione tells us

"Well that settles it then"Harry says to her as we see Slughorn and Flitwick talking infront of us "Anyone fancy a butterbeer?"Harry asks us

We walk into the three Broomsticks and sit down at a table behind the stairs as a waiter comes over "Something to drink" The man asks us

"Four Butterbeers and some ginger in mine please"Milne tells the man before he nods and walks off

"Oh bloody hell. Slick git"Ron says and I look over and see Ginny and Dean sitting in a booth together holding hands

"Honestly Ron, they're only holding hands"Mione tells him before looking back over at them "And snogging"Milne adds quickly turning back

"I'd like to leave"Ron says as the man brings us our drinks

"What? You can't be serious?"I ask him

"That happens to be my sister"Ron says to me

"So? What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? You'd expect her to get up and leave?"Mione asks him amused

"Hey, my boy!"Slughorn says to Harry as he comes over to our table

"Hello sor, wonderful to see you"Harry says shaking his hand

"And you, and you"Slughorn tells him

"So what brings you here?"Harry asks him as I drink some of my drink

"Oh the Three Broomsticks and I go way back, further than I care to admit. I remember when it was One Broomstick"Slughorn says laughing and his drink tips out the side making me jump to the side away from it "All hands on deck Black. Listen my boy in the old days, I used to throw together the occasional supper party for the select student or two. Would you be game?"Slughorn asks Harry

"I'd consider it an honour sir"Harry tells him

"You'd both be welcome to Black and Granger"Slughorn tells us

"We'd be delighted sir"Mione tells him before I have a chance to say no to the offer

"Splendid, look for my owl. Good to see you Wallenby"Slughorn says before walking off and Harry sits back down

"What are you playing at?" I ask Harry

"Dumbledore asked me to get to know him"Harry tells me

"Get to know him?"Ron asks

"I don't know, it must be important if it wasn't Dumbledore wouldn't ask"Harry tells him

We walk back through the snow with a rather tipsy Mione as we hear a scream and Katie is in the air screaming making us stop in our tracks. "I warned her. I warned her not to touch it"Leanne says to us as I notice a package on the floor beside her

"Don't get any closer, get back all of you"Hagrid says as Katie falls to the ground and Hagrid walks over to her

"You're sure Katie didn't have this in her possession when she entered the Thrre Broomsticks?"McGonagall asks Leanne as we all stand in her classroom

"Like I said she left to go to the loo, and when she came back she had the package. She said it was important that she'd deliver it"Leanne explains

"Did she say to who?"McGonagall asks

"To Professor Dumbledore"Leanne answers

"Very well. Thank you Leanne you may go"McGonagall tells her before turning her attention to us "Why is it when something happens it's always you four?"McGonagall asks us

"Believe me Professor I've been asking myself the same question for six years"Ron tells her

"Oh Severus"McGonagall says as Snape joins us "What do you think?"McGonagall asks Snape who levitates the necklace with his wands

"I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive"Snape answers

"She was cursed wasn't she?"I ask them

"I know Katie of the Quidditch pitch, she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was delivering it to Professor Dumbledore she wasn't doing it knowingly"Harry says to then also

"Yes she was cursed"McGonagall tells us

"It was Malfoy"Harry tells them making them turn and face him

"That's is a very serious accusation Potter."McGonagall tells him seriously

"Indeed. Your evidence"Snape questions

"I just know"Harry says

"You just know. You astonish me with your gifts Potter. Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the Chosen One"Snape says to Harry

"I suggest you go back to your dormitories. All of you"McGonagall says and we walk out of her classroom and to the common room

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