Chapter 82

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The four of us are outside the tent just trying to destroy the Horcrux but it's not going so well "Dissendium" Harry says locker fly to the ground but that's it nothing happens.

"Incendio" I say making it catch on fire

"Expluso" Mione says making it go flying. Harry walks over to it and keeps shooting spells at it causing to catch on fire. When the fire goes out, Harry picks it up and puts it around his neck

"What are you doing?"I ask Harry

"We have to keep it safe until we find out how to destroy it"Harry answers me

"Seems strange mate. Dumbledore sends you off to find all these Horcruxes but doesn't tell you how to destroy them. Doesn't it bother you?"Ron asks Harry who shakes his head and walks off.

Me and Mione are walking back up to the tent after collecting some sticks for a fire and I see Harry on the ground panting hard "You told me it had stopped. You can't keep letting him in Harry"I say sitting infringement of him

"You-Know-Who has found Gregorovitch"Harry says to us

"The wand maker?"Mione questions sitting beside me

"He wants something that Gregorovitch used to have but I don't know what. But he wants it desperately I mean it's as if his life depends on it"Harry explains before turning sharply towards the tent

"Don't it comforts him"I say to Harry

"It sets my teeth on edge. What's he expecting to hear, good news?"Harry questions a bit angry

"I think he just hopes he doesn't hear bad news"Mione says and Harry stands up

"How long before he can travel again"Harry asks me and Mione as we stand up I from of him

"Mione and I are doing everything we can"I tell him

"You're not doing enough"Harry yells before walking away from us

"Take it off. I said take it off"I say to him and he takes it off and passes it over to me "Better?"I ask

"Loads"He answess

"We'll take in turns okay"I say before walking past Mione and into the tent

Im sitting outside the tent near a fire I made just thinking about how everybody is back home, I really miss everyone and I just hope they are doing fine. I hear a twig snap in the distance pulling me from my thoughts, I get up and and walk carefully over to where I heard the noise come from. I keep walking forward but I stop as I see Snatches walking towards me with bodies in their arms.

"Shat was that? What's that smell?"Scabior asks standing in front of me making me hold my breath "What are you doing?"he asks one of his men who dropped one of the bodies

"Its heavy"the man answers

"Oh sorry do you want me to carry it"Scabior asks him

"Yeah thank you"The man replies

"Don't be ridiculous. Pick it up"Scabior says before he and his men walk off

"Snatchers. Good to know your and Hermione's enchantments work"Harry says appearing behind me

"He could smell it, my perfume"I say to Harry before we start to walk back to the tent and he starts asking about apparating soon "I've told you Ron isn't strong enough to apparate" I say to him

"Well then, we'll go on foot"Harry says to me

And so we did, we're walking through fields to who knows where. I walk with Ron as Mione and Harry are in front and I can tell by looking at Ron he is clearly jealous" You don't need to be jealous you know" I say to Ron as we walk into an empty barn to hide from a load of Death Eaters.

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