Chapter 81

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The plan was simple, we use Polyjuice Potion containing hairs of ministry workers. My person is  Summer Waters called or at least that's what it said on the Ministry badge she was wearing. Me, Ron and Harry stand before the Ministry workers who lay unconscious on the ground as Mione picks out a few of their hairs and adds them into the potion before handing us each a bottle.

"Right remember what we said, don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Just try and act normal, do what everybody else is doing if we do that, then with a bit of luck we'll get inside. And then- -"

"It gets really tricky"I say

"Correct"Mione says before walking over and standing beside me

"This is completely mental"Harry sighs

"Completely"I agree

"The world's mental"Ron says making us look at him "Come on we've got a Horcrux to find"Ron says and we'd all drink our Potion

We all walk across the street and the toilets saying 'Gentlemen' on it where Harry and Ron go in, me and Mione walk around the corner to the ladies. The bathroom is discusting, I walk into a cubicle shutting the door behind me and walk over to the toilet and climb in it which is honestly so grim, I flush the chain and I fall down and moments later I'm in the Ministry. I look around and i see Mione so I walk over to her and we walk with the rest of the crowd, we stop walking and stand in front of the fountain which had people being crushed in between the bits of ferment.

"Are those?"Harry asks joining us

"Muggles. I'm their rightful place"Mione answers as Ron appears next to Harry

"Got to tell you, I'm starting to freak out a bit"Ron says to us

"That makes two of us"I say to Ron

"How long did you say this batch of Polyjuice would last, Hermione?"Harry asks as he looks at her

"I didn't"Mione says

The four of us walk away from the fountain and over to the elevators, we walk into an empty elevator and just as the doors are about to close a man sticks his hand in and approaches us.

"Cattermole. It's still raining inside my office. That's to days now"The man says to Ron

"Have you tried an umbrella?"Ron asks and I try not to laugh

"You do realise I'm going downstairs don't you, Cattermole?"The man questions Ron

"Downstairs?"Ron asks confused

"To interrogate your wife. Now if my wife's blood status were in doubt nd the head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement needed a job doing, I think I might just make that a priority. You have one hour"He says before finally leaving and the elevator doors close and it begins to move

"Oh my god. What anpm I gonna do? My wife's all alone downstairs"Ron asks and we all look at him

"Ron you don't have a wife"Harry reminds him

"Oh right. But how do I stop it raining?"Ron asks as the elevator stops at level 2

"Try Finite Incantatem"I tell Ron as the doors open "This is you Ron"I say as Harry pushes him out the doors

"Finite Incantatem. Okay and if that doesn't work?"Ron asks but before I can answer the elevator door closes Andy we go backwards before it goes downwards

"I say if we don't locate Umbridge within an hour we go find Ron and come back another day. Deal?"Harry asks us

"Deal"Mione and I say as the elevator door opens and reveals Umbitch standing there making me freeze

"Ah, Mafalda, Summer. Travers sent you did he? Good we'll go straight down"Umbitch says walking in "Albert, aren't you getting out?"She asks Harry who walks out and looks back at us before we disappear.

Im sitting beside Mione and the closest to Umbitch as we look down at the interrogation of Cattermole's wife, which Umbitch is leading. I feel really uncomfortable not just because I'm near Umbitch but because above is are dementors which are being locked up there as Umbitch is doing a patronus.

"Mary Elizabeth Cttermole?"Umbitch asks her

"Yes"Mary says nervously

"Of 27 Chislehurst Gardens, Great Tolling, Evesham?"Umbitch asks her

"yes"Mary answers again

"Mother to Maisie, Ellie and Alfred? Wife to Reginald?"Umbitch asks and Mary looks over at the entrance

"Reg?"Mary asks and suddenly Ron is pushed out by Harry

"Thank you Albert. Mary Elizabeth Cattermole?"Umbitch asks as Ron stands beside Mary

"Yes"Mary answers

"A wand was taken from you upon your arrival at the Ministry today Mrs.Cattermole. Is this that wand?"Umbitch asks holding up a wand and Mary nods "Please tell the court which Witch or Wizard you took the wand from?"Umbitch asks her as Harry begins to walk further into the court room

"I didn't take it. I got it in Diagonal Alley at Ollivanders when I was 11. It chose me"Mary explains

"You're lying. Wands only choose Witches and you're not a Witch"Umbitch says to her

"But I am. Tell them, Reg. Tell them what I am. Reg tell them"Mary says to Ron who stays silent

"What on earth are you doing Albert?"Umbitch asks and I look over at Harry who has his wand out and his face is starting to change back

"You're lying Dolores. And one mustn't tell lies. Stupefy!"Harry yells knocking Umbitch out

I get up and grab the Locket off Umbitch and chuck it over st Harry who catches it as he puts his glasses back on. Mione and I get out of the stands and we all run over to the elevator as the Dementors follow us, we all get in me the doors close up as the Dementors start sucking out our souls

"Expecto Patronim!"Harry yells making the Dementors go away and the elevator begins to move.

The elevator stops and the main level and now me and Mione have also changed back to our normal selves, we keep our heads down as we walk out of the elevator. We continue walking until I realise Ron isn't with us so we stop and turn around as he is kissing Mary! But that's not all, he has changed back to himself as they kissed leaving her very shocked.

"Mary? Who's that?"The real Cattermole asks her as he walks towards them

"Long story, nice meeting you"Ron says before walking over to us and we begin to leave

"It's Harry Potter! It's Harry. Harry Potter"

The four of us begin to run through the Ministry which isn't the easiest thing to do in heels especially when you have security chasing you. We continue to run and I use a spell to make all the papers fly into the security guards to hold them off for a bit which does work. The fireplaces began to go on lockdown, I follow Harry who runs into one and Mione and Ron follow

I grunt as I land on the hard surface, I punch myself up and look around at my surroundings which seems to be a woods. I look over to my right and I see Mione leaning over Ron so I run over nd it looks like Ron has been splinched. "Shh, shh, shh you're alright. Harry quickly in my bag there's bottle labelled Essence of Dittany"Mione tells him and he goes and gets it

"What happened I though we were going back to Grimuald Place?"Harry asks as Mione puts drops of the Dittany on Roman arm

"We were we were there but Yaxley had hold of me and I knew once he'd seen where we were, we couldnt stay so I brought us here but Ron got Splinched"Mione explains to Harry and I get up grabbing my wand

"Protego Totalum. Salvio Hexia" I say

"What re you doing?"Harry asks me as Mione joins me

"Protective enchantments I don't really fancy another visit like the one in Shaftesbury Avenue, do you? You can get going on a tent" I tell Harry

"Tent? Where am I supposed to find a tent?"Harry asks as I continue the protective enchantments

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