Chapter 47

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The girls dormitory is mad at the moment because Mione is worrying about her hair, Ginny is trying to do her makeup as Lavendar tries to help her and the twins are taking up the bathroom getting ready which is why so far I have only done my makeup and the ball starts in an hour. We would have gotten ready earlier but the twins thought it would be funny to prank us which resolved in us cleaning our room for at least an hour.

"Lola you need to start getting ready"Mione tells me making me place down my book and sit up

"I would if I could get in the bathroom to change and do my hair"I say as I lay back on my bed

"I can do it for you"She says and she literally drags me into a chair and gets her wand out muttering a load of spells and sticking loads of pins into my skull

After Mione had finished with my hair, we only had half an hour so Lavendar was ready and went down to the Great Hall and the twins are off in the common room and Ginny and Mione are waiting for me at the bottom of the steps while I get my dress on. After I had my dress on I took one final look in the mirror and headed out down the stairs. You know how you read in books the girl walks down the stairs looking like a princess well that's literally how I feel I look, I have my dress flowing as I walk down the stairs with it dragging a bit behind me and my hair all pinned up and I'm wearing a pair of heels I can barely walk in.

"Wow. You look amazing"Mione tells me

"Your sure it's not to much" I ask her concerned

"No"She tells me with a smile

"I love the dress, the colour really suits you"Ginny tells me

"Thanks. It was my mums, my dad sent it to me and thought I would like it" I explain to them

Walking down the steps, I definitely feel pairs of eyes watching me but my eyes are locked on one person. Waiting for me at the bottom of the steps is my Prince Charming who I smile down at.

"You look beautiful"George says to me

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" I say to him with a smile and we walk into the hall which has been beautifully decorated. We stand over with Fred and Katie as the door opens and the champions walk in with their dates, Harry and Padma, Cedric and Cho, Viktor and Minoe and Fleur with a guy from Dumstrang. The violins start to play and they all dance before Dumbledore and McGonagall join in, Filch and his cat and loads of others

"Would you like to dance"George asks me

"I'd love to"I reply and he takes my hand leading me to the dance floor where he places one arm on my waist and his other in my hand and we begin to dance in sync with everyone else. Soon the music changes and the weird sisters are playing on the stage which is so cool because they are literally one of my favourite bands ever and a couple of years ago Tonks took me to go see them which was incredible. I swear right now me and George look so ridiculous dancing but honestly for once I don't care, it's so nice to let loose and have fun with the guy I love. As the song finishes I'm literally so out of breath from dancing so much so George goes off to get us a drink and I take a seat with Harry,Ron and Mione and as I sit I instantly regret it because Ron and Mione are in the middle of a argument.

"What's got your wand in a knot?"Mione asks Ron

"He's a Durmstrang. You're fraternising with the enemy."Ron explains

"The enemy?? Who was it wanting his autograph? Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international magical cooperation, to make friends."Mione argues

"Hrmph, I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind"Ron says and Mione walks off back to Viktor

"Are you going to ask me to dance or not?"Pavati asks Ron

"No."Ron huufs so she walks off as George comes over and hands me a drink

"Thanks" I say and I go to sip it but stop"This isn't spiked with fire whiskey is it"I ask George and he winks at me with a smile bit I down it anyway

By now the Hall is nearly empty and there's only a few couples left dancing , me and George being one of those couples. This night has been perfect and I really don't want it to end. We continue to slow dance and as we do, I notice something above us and I look up and I see mistletoe

"Mistletoe" I mutter and before I know it George has placed his lips on mine and they begin to move in sync before we pull away and I can't help but smile. How I deserve an amazing boyfriend like George I will never know.

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