Chapter 72

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"He has the perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes, I really couldn't care less. Was I under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorns Christmas party together? Yes. Now given the circumstances I've had to make over arrangements"Mione says as me, her and Harry walk through the library

"Have you?"Harry asks her

"Yes. Why?"Mione asks him

"Well I just thought seeing as neither of us can go with who we'd really like to then we should go together as friends"Harry tells her

"Why didn't I think of that?"Mione asks annoyed

"Who are you going with?"I ask her

"Um, it's a surprise. Anyway it's you two we've got to worry about, you can't just take anyone. You see that girl over there Harry? That's Romilda Vane. Apparently she's trying to smuggle you a love potion"Mione says to him

"Really?"Harry asks intrigued and starts staring at her

"Hey! She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the chosen one"I explain to him

"But I am the chosen one"Harry says with a smile so Mione whacks him with her rolled up parchment "Okay, sorry. Um, kidding. I'll ask someone I like, someone cool"Harry says to her

"Wow, you look good"Harry says to me as I meet him in the common room

"Thanks, Mione insisted on me wearing heels so my feet probably won't be attached to me by the end of the night" I tell him with a laugh and we make our way to the party

"Ah! Potter, Black. It's good to see you two here"Slughorn says as we walk in

"Well thank you for inviting us"Harry says to him with a smile

"I must say you two make a very fine couple"Slughorn says to us

"Oh no! We're not together Professor, Harry is my god brother and I'm also engaged" I explain to him

"Oh, my mistake"Slughorn says before walking off

"Can you believe that we actually thought we were together?"I ask Harry and we both laugh

"Drinks?"I hear a voice say and Neville walks over to us with a tray of drinks

"Neville?"Harry asks Shocked

"I isn't get into the Slug Club. It's okay though, he's got Belby ha Dong our towels in the loo"Neville says as I see Mione go and hide behind the net that hangs in front of the window

"Will you excuse us a sec?"I ask Neville and I grab Harry's wrist and drag him over with me to Mione

"Hermione. What are you doing? And what happened to you?"Harry asks her

"I've just escaped. I mean I left Cormac under the mistletoe"Mione tells us

"Cormac? That's who you invited?" I ask in disgust

"I thought it would annoy Ron the most. He's got more tentacles than a snarfalump plant"Mione tells us

"Dragon tartare?" A boy asks us with a try full of them

"No, I'm fine thanks"I tell him

"Just as well. They give one horribly bad breath"The boy says

"Actually"Mione says grabbing the entire tray and the boy walks off "Might keep Cormac away"She says eating it "Oh god here he comes"Mione says giving Harry the tray and sneaking off as Cormac joins us

"I think she just went to powder her nose" I lie to Cormac who takes the tray off Harry and starts eating some of the dragon tartare

"slippery little minx, your friend. Likes to work her mouth though doesn't she" Cormac says as he continues shoving the food in his mouth "What is this I'm eating by the way?"Cormac ask us

"Dragon balls" I tell him with a smile as Snape appears and Cormac throws up on his shoes and I move the net to the side ready to escape

"You've just brought yourself a months detention, McLaggen. Not so quick Black, Potter"Snape says and we stop walking and turn and face him

"Sir, I really think I should rejoin the party my date -"Harry says putting an arm on my back

"Can surely wait a minute, besides I only wish to convey a message"Snape tells Harry

"A message?"Harry asks

"From Professor Dumbledore. He asked me to give you his best and he hopes you enjoy your holiday. You see he's traveling and he won't be back until term resumes"Snape explains to Harry

"Traveling where?"Harry asks but Snape just walks off

"Take your hands off me you filthy Squib!"Draco says as Filtch drags him into the room my his suit

"Professor Slughorn, sir. I've just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor, he claims to have been invited to your part"Filtch says to Slughorn

"He was invited, in fact I invited him" I tell Filtch Lieing "Didn't I Draco"I say to him giving him a look to go along with it after all, he is my cousin and I should at least be civil with him

"Yes, she did"Draco says to Filtch who lets go of him

"Mr Malfoy, a word"Snape says and he leads Draco out of the room

"All right, everyone carry on"Slighorn says and Harry looks over at where Snape and Draco left

"You go. I'm gonna go find Mione" I tell Harry before heading out to find Mione

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