Chapter 10

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My summer holiday has passed very quickly with only a week left before Hogwarts. I spent most of it at home with Remus and Tonks visited us a few times and at  the  Weasleys at the moment, which is a lot of fun. Yesterday, me and the twins planted a fake spider in Ron's bed and his reaction was priceless although he didn't think so.

It's around 3 in the morning and I am sitting down in the living room  reading my book as I was unable to get back to sleep . I hear creaking and I see Ron, Fred and George creeping down the stairs and heading towards the door, I place my book down on the sofa and walk up behind them.

"going somewhere" I ask ant their heads whip round

"Lola what are you doing up" George asks me

"I could ask you three the same" I say to them

"We're going to get Harry" Ron tells me

"okay, but as long as I can come" I tell them with a  smile

"come on then" Fred says and we walk out of the door and over to the car. Fred gets in the driver seat , George is in the passenger seat and me and Ron are in the back. After flying for a while, we come across a housing estate and  Fred drove over to a house which had bars on the window and I could see Harry at the window.

"Lola? Ron?" Harry asks surprised

"Hiya, Harry." I say to him as Ron leans out of the window

"Fred? George? What're you doing here?" Harry asks

"Rescuing you, of course. Where's your trunk?" Ron asks him and  Harry drags the trunk to the windowsill, as he watches Ron tie off a fierce knot on the bars of the window.

"Stand back." I say to him and he steps back and Ron nods  to Fred who steps on the accelerator  and the rope snap and the bars are torn from the window and land of the grass,Harry pushes the trunk over the sill into the Anglia's boot before slamming it shut.

Harry  clambers back, grabs Hedwig's cage and swings it onto the ledge, when his bedroom door slams open. George climbs into the back so Harry can get in the front which resolves in me sitting on his lap as there isn't much space, George puts his arms around my waist to stop me from going forward into the passenger seat which feels kinda nice.

"Petunia! He's getting away!" Harry's uncle shouts  as Harry leaps for the windows as his uncle charges towards him and and  snatches his ankle

Harry gives Hedwig to Ron who passes it over to me and Ron grabs Harry's hands trying to pull him up but Harry's uncle tries to pull him back

"Hold on, Harry! " I say to him

"Oh no, boy! You and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere!" Harry's uncle yells but his hands begin to slip away from Harry's which causes Harry's uncle to fall out of the window and land in the bush and me and Ron  pull Harry into the car.

"Put your foot down, Fred!" Ron tells Fred and we fly away from privet Drive.

" By the way, Harry. Happy Birthday." Ron tells Harry with a smile.After flying for a while, the  car touches down in a  whirling cone of dust

"George you can let go now" I tell him

"oh sorry love" George says and he let's go, we all climb out of the car

" Hurry! Let's nip inside before Mum wakes up!" Fred whispers to us  as we  sneak inside and i gently close the door. I watch Harry look around in amazement and Ron noticing this too  shrugs, averts his eyes self-consciously as I see him and the twins get some bread of the table.

"it's  not much but it's home" Ron tells Harry taking a bit of his bread

" i think it's... brilliant!" Harry says 

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" I hear mrs Weasley shout making me nearly jump out of my skin. The boys hide their bread behind their backs as Mrs Weasley stands in the doorway Furious but smiles sweetly at Harry.

" Harry! How wonderful to see you." Mrs Weasley says to Harry before turning to us "Beds empty! No note! Car gone!  You could've died! You could've been seen! " Mrs Weasley shouts at us before looking to Harry" I don't blame you, of course, dear." She tells hih

"They were starving him, Mum! There were bars on his window!" Ron tells her

"You best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!" Lola don't think I wot be writing to Remus about this" she tells me and I nod " Care for a spot of tea, Harry?" Mrs Weasley asks Harry and we all go and sit in the kitchen and Percy soon joins us

"Mummy. Have you seen my jumer" Ginny asks running down the stairs

"Yes dear it was on the cat" Mrs Weasley tells her and Ginny sees Harry and runs back up the stairs causing the twins and Ron to giggle

"What did I do" harry asks

"Ginny she's been talking about you all summer. A bit annoying really" Ron explains to Harry

"Dad's home!" George says as the front  door opens and Mr Weasley enters

"What a night! Nine raids! Nine!" Mr Weasley says

"Raids?" Harry asks Ron as I take a pile of my pancake

"Dad works at the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. That's when wizards bewitch something to drive Muggles mad. Shrinking door keys, that kind of thing. Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they're fascinating." Ron tells Harry as Mr. Weasley hangs up his cloak before sitting down with us.

"Well now. Who are you?" MrWeasle asks Harry

"Harry, sir. Harry Potter." Harry tells him

"Good Lord, are you really? Ron's told us all about you, of course as hasn't Lola. When did you get here?" Mr Weasley asks

"This morning. Your sons and Lola flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey house and back last night."Mrs Weasley tells her husband

"Did you now! How'd it go?! " Mr Weasleys asks us before Mrs Weasley whacks his arm ".. I mean... That was very wrong, of you . Very wrong indeed. So, Harry. You must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck" Mr Weasley ask

As Harry goesto answer, he notices an owl soaring toward the kitchen window and smashes straight into it

"That must be Errol with the post. Fetch him, will you, Percy?" Mrs Weasley asks and Percy  takes the unconscious Errol, absently lays him on a draining board, and takes the letters clutched in his claws.

"It's our Hogwarts letters! And look. They've sent  Lola's Harry's as well" Percy says as he hands them to us

"Dumbledore must know you two are here. Doesn't miss a trick, that man" Mr Weasley says as I read through my letter

"This lot won't come cheap, Mum. The spellbooks alone are very expensive" Fred tells his mum

" We'll manage. Right then. There's only one place to get all of this.  Diagon Alley!" Mrs Weasley says as I notice I also have a letter from McGonagall

"oh my god" I breathe

"What is it" George asks me

"McGonagall has offered me a place on the Quidditch team" I say with a huge smile

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