Chapter 69

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Me and Mione are sitting in the stands watching the Quidditch trials, I would be down on the field as well but I decided I wanted a break from it this year. Harry is now captain and has Ginny assisting him as Wood has now left. Ron decided he wants to try out for keeper meaning he's up against Cormac who I noticed has a thing for Mione. Cormac didn't miss a single time the quaffle wasn't chucked at him making him send a rather cocky smile towards Mione

"Nice Confundus charm"I tell Mione as I see Cormac's broom move to the side

"I don't know what your talking about"She says with a smile

"I have to admit, I thought I was gonna miss that last one. I hope Cormac's not taking it too hard, he's got a bit of a thing for you Hermione" Ron says as we sit in the common room in front of the fire

"He's vile"Mione tells him

"Have you ever heard of this spell? Sectumsempra?"Harry asks me as he shows me his potion book

"No I haven't and if you had a shred of self respect, you'd hand that book in"I tell him

"Not bloody likely. He's top of the class, he's even better than you and Hermione. Slughorn thinks he's a genius" Ron tells me making Mione huff in annoyance

"I would like to know who's that book was. Let's have a look"Mione says and Harry gets up holding the book away from her

"No"He tells her as she gets up as well

"Why not" I ask him also getting up

"The binding is fragile"Harry says to me

"The binding is fragile?"Mione asks in disbelief

"Yeah"Harry answers as Ginnny grabs the book from him and opens it up

"Who's the Half-Blood Prince?"Ginny asks Harry

"who?"I ask her

"That's what it says right here 'this book is property of the Half-Blood Prince'"Ginny tells us before chucking Harry the book back and he goes and sits at the desk in the corner

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