Chapter 71

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"So tell me Cormac do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days"Slughorn asks him as we sit in his office around a glass table eating our deserts

"Yes, sir. In fact I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over the holidays"Cormac tells him with a smile

"Well, be sure to give the, both my best. What about your uncle, Belby? For those of you who don't know, Marcus's uncle invented the Wolfsbane potion. Is he working on anything new?"Slughorn asks Marcus who is stuffing his face full of ice cream

"Don't know. Him and my Dad don't get on, probably because me dad says potions are rubbish. Says the only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end of the day"Marcus says while still eating

"Shat about you Miss Granger? What does your family do in the muggle world?"Slughorn asks her

"My parents are dentists. They tend to peoples teeth"Mione says making most of them look at her with confused expressions clearly never hearing of them

"Fascinating and is that considered a dangerous profession?"Slughorn asks intrigued

"No. Although, one boy Robbie Fenwick did bite my father once. He needed 10 stitches"Mione says before the room goes silent until the door opens and Ginny appears with puffy eyes.

"Ah Miss Weasley come in, come in"Slughorn tells her

"Look at her eyes. They've been fighting again, her and Dean"I whisper to Harry

"Sorry. I'm not usually late"Ginny says going to sit down at the spare seat and Harry stands up

"No matter. You're just in time for desert that's is Belbey's left you any"Slughorn says and she sits down making Harry sit also

"So how was it then?" Ron asks as he joins us at the table wearing his Quidditch outfit

"How was what?"Mione asks him

"Your dinner party"Ron says

"Pretty boring although, I think Harry enjoyed dessert"I tell him while smiling

"Slughorns having a Christmas do, you know. And we're ment to bring someone"Mione tells Ron

"I expect you'll be bringing McLaggen he's in the Slug Club isn't he?"Ron asks Mione

"Actually I was going to ask you"Mione tells him

"Really?"Ron asks in disbelief

"Good luck today Ron, I know you'll be brilliant"Lavender tells Ron before walking off

"I'm resigning. After today's match McLaggen can have my spot"Ron says to us

"Have it your way"Harry tells him, passing him a goblet with juice in it

"Hello everyone. You look dreadful Ron, is that why you put something in his cup? Is it a tonic?"Luna asks Harry as she joins us wearing a lion head, Harry shows us the vile of Liquid Luck that's in his hand

"Liquid Luck"I say

"Don't drink it Ron"Mione tells him but he drinks it anyway "You could be expelled for that"Mione tells Harry

"I don't know what you're talking about"Harry tells Mione

"Come on Harry. We've got a game to win"Ron says getting up with a smile and Harry follows him out of the Hall.

The Gryffindor vs Slytherin game is going great so far! Ron is killing it, he's saved every goal so far which he looks proud about and he should be. The crowd have even started chanting his name which is definitely boosting his confidence. We won the game easily, and Ron didn't let a single Slytherin score a goal which is why now in the Common room, he's in the middle of the crowd with everyone chanting his name.

"You really shouldn't have done it"Mione tells Harry

"I know I suppose I could've just use a Confundus charm"Harry tells her with a knowing look

"That's was different, that was tryouts this was an actual game"Mione tells him as he holds up the vile which is still full

"You didn't use it, Ron only thought you did" I say to Harry who nods and I look back over to Ron and see him snogging Lavender. Disgusting. I look to my right and Mione is gone so I walk out of the common room just in time to see where she's going

"Ron's and idiot for kissing Lavender, anyone can't tell you're far more amazing than she is"I tell Mione as we sit on the steps in a tower with the birds that she created chirp "He'll soon come around, you'll see" I say reassuring as she cries and I see Harry appear and he comes and sits down with us

"Charms spell, I'm just practicing"Mione tells Harry wiping her tears

"well they're really good"Harry tells her

"How does it fell, Harry? When you see Dean with Ginny?"Mione asks him

"We know. We've seen the way you look at her, you're our best friend"I tell Harry as I hear a girly laugh and I see a jumping Lavender drag Ron into the room

"Opps, I think this Room is taken"Lavender says before skipping off

"What's with the birds?"Ron asks us

"Oppugno"Mione says as the birds fly towards Ron, chasing him away

"It feels like this"Harry tells Mione as I wrap my arm around her as she cries more

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