Chapter 52

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Luckily Harry did get offf and is not expelled from Hogwarts but honestly in not surprised after all he is the boy who lived and Dumbledore wouldn't allow him to be expelled.

We are walking in Kings Cross along the bridge pushing our trolleys as I see my Dad in his dog form come barking towards me and into an empty room. Tones takes my trolley as me and Harry walk into the room where Dad is standing in his human form.

"Dad what are you doing here? If someone sees you" I say to him worried

"Don't worry about me, I had to come see you off didn't i. Besides what life without a little risk?"Dad asks motioning for us to sit down on the chairs beside him. "I wanted you to both to have this" dad says as he pulls out an old photo"The first Oder of the Phoenix" Dad says

i looked down at the picture and saw all of the original members smiling at the camera. My dad beside James and Lily with my mum and Remus beside them also

"The longbottoms" I mutter looking at the two people who look a lot like Neville

"Keep it" Dad says giving it to Harry as we get up

"I'll write to you as much as I can, I'll see you at Christmas. Love you" I say to Dad as I give him a hug

"I love you too darling" Dad tells me

The train ride was really quiet, Mione and Ron were in the prefect carriage so me and a Harry sat with Ginny, Neville, Seamus and Dean. We met up with Mione and Ron on the platform and we walked over to the carriages just as one left with Cho Chang on it who sent Harry a smile.

"Whts that pulling the carriage?"Harry asks and I turn around but there's just a carriage

"it's pulling it's self like always Harry" I tell him

"You're out going mad I see them too. Your just the same as I am" A dreamy voice says and we get on the carrrige with the blonde girl

"Everyone this is Loony- Luna. Luna lovegood" Mione says

"What an interesting necklace" I say to her breaking the tension

"It's a charm actually it keeps away the nargles"Luna says to me

"What's a nargle?"Ron whisper asks me

"no idea" I whisper back

I took a seat inbetween Harry and George which was across from Mione and Ron and as I began to eat I noticed Hagrid was missing. "Where's Hagrid? Grubbly Plank is back" I ask them

"No idea but whose the toad in pink?"George asks me and I notice a lady in all pink sitting beside a very uncomfortable looking Snape.

"I don't know and I don't think I want to know. She's horrible looking" I say to George

"Don't look at her for to long you might go blind" Fred says

"Honestly you three, that a teacher. It's disrespectful"Mione tells us

"They have got a point though"Ron says making her glare at him as Dumbledore gets up making the Hall fall silent

"Now we have two changes in staffing this year, we are pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly Plank who will be taking over Care of Magical Creaters while our cameskeeper Hagrid is on leave. And we are delighted to introduce Professor Umbridge as our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher"Dumbledore says to us

"Ugly name for a Ugly person" I mutter to George

"Hem hem"Came an annoying throat clearing making the place fall silent and Umbitch gets up and walks over infront of Dumbledore "Thankyou Headmaster for those kinds words of welcome, and to see al these bright smiling faces at me! I know we are all going to become really good friends" Umbitch says in a high pitched voice

"That's unlikely" the twins say together

"Even though each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, let us move forward then into an new era of openness, effectiveness and accountability intent on preserving what ought to be preserv and pruning wherever we find parctices that ought to be prohibited" Umbitch continued

"What the bloody hell does that mesn?"Ron asks as everyone pathetically claps at the speech

"It means the Ministry is interfering with Hogwarts" Mione says rather nervously

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