Chapter 79

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We disapparated and found ourselves on a road with a bud heading straight towards us but we quickly step back and it drives straight past us. We walk into the path and follow Mione through he rather crowded street of people.

"Where are we?"Ron asks slightly panicking

"Shaftesbury Avenue. I used to come to the theatre here with mum and dad, I don't know why I though of it it just popped into my head. This way"Mione says and we follow her down an alley out of the way "We need to change"Mione says opening up her bag so I do the same

"How the ruddy...?"Ron asks as she brings out an arm of clothes for her and Ron and I pull out some clothes for me and Harry

"Undetectable Extension Charm"I say as I give Harry his clothes

"You're amazing you are"Ron says to Mione and I cough to get his attention I mean it was my idea "You both are"Ron says looking at me

"Always the tone of surprise"Mione says as I hear a thud come from her bag "Ah that would be the books"Mione says

We all changed quickly and are now sitting in a local cafe just talking about what happened at the wedding. "What about all the people at the wedding? Do you think we should go back?"Harry asks from beside me

"They were after you mate, we'd put everything in danger by going back"Ron says to him

"Ron's right"I say as a waitress comes over to us

"Coffee?"She asks

"A cappuccino please"Mione says

"You"She asks Ron

"What she said"Ron says looking at Mione

"White chocolate mocha please"I tell her remembering the time Remus went and got me and Dad one from a cafe during summer

"Same"Harry says as he points over to me and the waitress leaves us

"So where do we go from here? Leaky Culdron?"Ron asks us

"Its too dangerous " I say to Ron

"Especially if Voldemort has taken over the Minestry, none of the old places are safe. Everyone from the wedding will have gone underground into hiding"Mione adds

"My Rucksack with all my things, I've left it at the Burrow"Harry says at two people enter and I shake my head and lift my hands of my bag "You're joking?"Harry asks me

"We've had all the essentials packed for days, just in case"I explain to Harry

"By the way these jeans, not my favourite"Ron says looking at his jeans

"Down!"Harry shouts pulling me to the ground as the men start shooting at us "Stuperfy"Harry yells knocking one of the guys back.

We keep firming spells back at the man left who is hiding behind the counter, he fires a spell at Mione which she luckily dodges."Petrificus Totalus"I shout at the man sending him backwards as the waitress comes out looking rather shocked "Go. Leave"I tell her and she does so

"Lock the door, get the lights"Harry says and Ron gets rid of the lights at Mione locks up and then we walk over behind the counter "This one's name is Rowle. He was on the Astronomy tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore"Harry says looking at one of them

"This is Dolohov. I recognise him from the wanted posters. So what we gonna do with you hey? Kill us if it was turned around wouldn't you?"Ron asks as he stares at Dolohov

"If we kill them they would know we were here" I say to Ron

"Ron"Mione says

"Suppose he did Mad-Eye, how would you feel then?"Ron asks her

"It's better we wipe their memories"Harry says

"You're the boss Hermione, you're the best at spells"Ron says to her and she walks forwards to Dolohov

"Obliviate"Mione says taking away his memory

"How is it they knew we were there?"Harry asks as we walk through a quieter bit of the street

"Maybe you still have the trace on you?"Mione suggests

"Can't be the trace breaks at 17 it's the wizarding law" I say as she suddenly stops

"What?"Ron asks her

"We didn't celebrate you're birthday Harry. Ginny, Lola and I, we prepared you a cake. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding"Mione says to him

"Honestly Hermione, I appreciate the thought but given the fact that we were almost killed by a couple of minutes ago"Harry says to her

"Right perspective"Mione says

"We need to get off the streets and get somewhere safe"Ron says as we continue to walk

"And I think I know just where, follow me"I say and I lead them through the street

Twelve Grimmuald Place was the only place I could think off that would be safe, even if I hadn't been there since Dad died I knew it was the right place to be. We walk inside and the whole place is pitch black, Ron got the Deluminator out and the place lit up. All of a sudden, a load of dust was spinning around and it formed into Dumbledore and began heading straight to is making me and Mione shriek before it disappeared

"What the bloody hell was that about?"Ron asks us

"Probably Mad-Eye's idea in case Snaps decided to come snooping"I guess as we here a thud

"Homenum Revelio"Mione says but nothing happens "We're alone"Mione says

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