Chapter 61

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Pain. Pain is the only word I can describe how I feel at the moment. Me and the rest of Dumbledore's Army besides Cho, are in the Great Hall writing lines which means we all now have the words carved into our flesh. I look up and Umbitch is sitting in Dumbledore's chair sipping on some tea looking all to happy with herself. As Dumbledore is no longer here, the Ministry made Umbitch incharge so now there are even more rules up and all the pictures have been taken down.

"You did everything you could. No one could win against that old hag"Ron say as the stand on the bridge

"Even Dumbledore didn't see this coming"I add

"Harry, for its anyone's fault it's ours"Milne tells him

"Yeah, we talked you into it"Ron says agreeing with Mione

"Yeah but I agreed. I tried so hard to help and all its done is made things worse. Anyway that doesn't matter anymore. Because I don't want to play anymore all it does is make you care too much and the more you care, the more you have to loose"Harry says as we hear a 'psst' and I turn around and Hagrid is standing behind the wall

"Any idea where he is taking us?"Ron asks as Hagrid leads us further into the Forbidden Forest which is starting to get spookier every step we take.

"Hagrid, why can't you just tell us?" Harry asks as suddenly a group of centaur's run right past us shouting

"I've never seen the centaurs so riled, and they're dangerous at the best of times. The Ministry restricts their territory much more they'll have a full uprising on their hands" Hagrid says to us

"Hagrid, what's going on?"I ask him

"I'm sorry to be so mysterious you four, I wouldn't be bothering you at all but with Dumbledore gone, it's likely I'll be getting the sack any day now and we'll i just couldn't leave without telling some about him"Hagrid explains as we hear crunching and a huge giant appears "Grawpy. Down here you great buffoon"Hagrid says and Grawpy walks closer to us and as soon as he sees us he walks faster towards us making us trip on a plant root as we walk backwards

"I couldn't leave him because he's my brother"Hagrid says to us

"Blimey"Ron mutters

"Well half brother really. He's completely harmless just like I said just a little high-spirited that's all"Hagrid says as suddenly Grawpy reaches forward and picks me up making me scream "Grawpy, that is not polite"Harris says

"Hagrid do something"Ron tells him

"We talked about this didn't we, you do not grab do you? That's your new friend Lola"Hagrid says to him

"Grawp. Put me down. Now" l tell him and he hesitates before placing me back down

"You alright?"Mione asks me

"Yeah, just needs a firm hand, is all"I tell her rubbing my arm

"I think you've got an admirer"Harry says to me as Grawpy gets what looks like a big bike handle and rings the bell on it before ha ding it to me which I hesitantly take and ring the bell before handing it back to him

"He gets his own food and all, it's company he'll be needing when I'm gone. You will look after him won't you? I'm they only family he's got"Hagrid tells us

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