The final chapter

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19 years since the Battle that changed everything for the Wizarding World and not one day goes by when I don't think about it. We lost friends and family but we have never been stronger. People lost their lives so we could live in peace, without war. It gave us a chance to start fresh and make new memories and most of all have a family.

Two years after the war, me and George tied the knot. We wanted to marry in a place that meant something to us so where better then the first place we fell in love. Hogwarts. Since the wedding, I went on to work at the Ministry of magic as an auror for three years but now I work just under the Minister of Magic. George still runs the joke shop with help from Ron, Harry is an auror and Mione works in the law department.

Also, me and George have two beautiful children. Fred Sirius Weasley and Mai Molly Weasley. Fred is like his dad, always running around the house and pranking people. Mai is more like me, rather quiet and likes a good book. I guess there's no telling whether this one will be like me or their dad, but I hopefully in 2 months we should find out.

"Oh for goodness sake, the train leaves in ten minutes and those two are still not ready" I complain to Mai who sits on the kitchen counter with a book in hand.

"Fred! George! Get down here right now!" I shout to them up the stairs when I hear a pop behind me and George is standing there with a grin

"Calm yourself Luv, we still have ten minutes" George says to me as we hear footsteps and Fred appears at the bottom of the stairs

"Right come on, let's go"I say to Fred as I hold his hand before all four of us apparate to Kings Cross

The station was packed full as usual as the four of us make our way over to the platform and to the sign saying ten.

"Together?"I say to Mai as I place my hands on her shoulders and we run through the wall with George and Fred soon behind us.

"auntie Hermione!"Mai calls and she soon runs over to Mione and Ron who stand with their children so we follow suit

"Am I the only one who is starting to feel old?"I ask Mione who laughs as Harry and Ginny walk over to us with their children

"You parked alright then?"Ron asks Harry "I did, Hermione didn't believe I could pass a muggle driving test. Did you? She thought i'd have to confund the examiner"Ron tells us

"No I didn't. I had complete faith in you"Mione tells him as we turn our attention to the children who are arguing about which house they will be in.

"if you're not in Gryffindoor, we'll disinherit you"George tells them "Put no pressure"

"George!" I say slapping his arm "He doesn't mean it" I tell the children as Draco walks past us with a smile with his wife and son following

"So that's little Scorpius"Ron mutters under his breath "Make sure you best him in every test, Rosie. Thank god you inherited your mothers brains"

"Ron, for heavens sake"Mione says sternly but with a smirk "Don't try to turn them against each other before thry've even started school!"

"You're right sorry. Don't get too friendly with him though Rosie. Grandad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pure blood"

"It's almost eleven, you better get on the train"Harry says looking at his watch and I give Mai a hug goodbye

"Make sure you give Neville our love" I say to Fred as I give him a hug goodbye

"Mum! He's a professor I'm not giving him love"Fred exclaims making me chuckle

"Okay, just don't get into much trouble please. And keep an eye out on your sister please. I love you, don't forget to write okay? I'll see you at Christmas" I tell Fred before he, Mai and the others go and board the train.

"I'm gonna miss them" I tell George as I lean into him

"Me too luv"George replies as we watch the train leave the station and we all wave goodbye.

Thankyou for reading, i hoped you enjoyed it!

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