Chapter 29

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"Mione! I need help!" I shout to her as I go through my trunk

"I thought you said you wouldn't need it" Mione says as she walks over to me

"Well I didn't think I would but I was wrong" I tell her

"Okay, go get in the shower and I will find some clothes for you" She tells me

"Thank you" I tell her and I grab my towel and go and get in the shower.

Once I finish in the shower, I wrap myself up in my towel and walk out of the bathroom and over to my bed where Mione has left me an Outfit laid out for me. I but the outfit on and brush my hair before I walk down the stairs where Mione, Ron and Harry are and I go other to them

"Thank you Mione, love you" I tell her giving her a hug and I hear Ron laugh so I turn to face him "Aww is little Ronald jealous he didn't get a hug" I tease as I playfully pinch his cheeks

"No, what got you so happy anyway"Ron asks me

"She's probably got a date"Harry guesses

"Right you are Harry" I tell him with a smile

"with who?"Ron asks

"Your brother. Know come on can't keep George waiting" I tell them and I pull them out of the common room.

"Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again." McGonagall tells us and Harry approaches her, but before he can say anything she cuts him off "No permission form. No visiting the Village. That's the rule, Potter." McGonagall tells him

"Yes, Professor, but I thought if you said I could go"Harry argues

"But I don't say so. A parent or guardian must sign, and since I am neither, it would be inappropriate.I'm sorry, Potter. But that's my final word"McGonagall tells him before walking off and Harry sends us a smile before walking back to the castle

"So where to first Miss"George asks as he hold his arm out for me which I gladly accept

"How about Zonko's Sir" I tell him with a smile and we walk down to Hogsmead.

Mine and George's date has been pretty good so far, we have been to Zonko's where we got some pranking  stuff, then we went to honeydukes and I got some sweets for Remus and then we went to the three broomsticks where we had a drink and we decided you use some of the planking stuff on a group of Slytherins which they weren't to happy about.

"I had a really good time today, thank you" I tell him as we reach the castle

"me too. Lola I was wondering if you'd do me the honour of being my girlfriend" George asks as he rubs his neck which is something he only does when he is nervous

"Of course I will" I tell him with a smile and I give him a kiss on the lips

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