Chapter 91

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I sit beside George in the Great Hall with our hands laced together, as we hear noise coming from outside. We get up and walk towards the doors and as we walk out of them i see Hagrid Carrying a body across the bridge, Voldemort and his followers also with him.
"Who is that Hagrid's carrying? Ginny who is it?" I ask her as we stand beside her with the rest of our survivors behind us "Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort shouts

"No! No!" Ginny shouts and she starts to run forwards but Mr Weasley pulls her back

"Silence. Stupid girl Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth you put your faith in me. Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort exclaims making his followers laugh "And now is the time to declare yourself, come forward and join us. Or die" Voldemort tells us but none of us move a muscle

"Draco. Draco" Lucius says to him making us look over at Draco who just stands there not knowing what to do

"Draco, come" Narcissa calls to him and he walks over to Voldemort who looks happy

"Ah, well done Draco" Voldemort says giving him a rather awkward looking hug. Draco walks over to his parents and i see Neville limping towards Voldemort

"Neville" I say as he continues to limp over to Voldemort

"Well, i must say i hoped for better. And who might you be young man?" Voldemort asks him

"Neville Longbottom" Neville says and all of Voldemort's followers laugh at him

"Well Neville, im sure we can find a place for you in our ranks" Voldemort tells him

"I'd like to say something" Neville quickly says

"Well Neville im sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say" Voldemort says as he clenches his fists

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone" Neville begins to say

"Stand down Neville" Seamus tells him

"People die everyday, Friends, family. Yeah we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us, so is Fred and Remus and Tonks. All of them. They didn't die in vain, but you will Because you're wrong Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us. This is not over!" Neville shouts before pulling the Gryffindor sword from the sorting hat.
I watch as all of a sudden Hagrid drops Harry from his arms and onto the ground, then Harry jumps up making me smile

"Confringo!" Harry shouts but he misses the Snake and instead he hits a load of Death Eaters.

Harry jumps over to the outside corridors ducking from the spells being thrown at him. Me and George run over to the Great Hall doors as the Death Eaters approach us, we stand with his family as we chuck spells at the Death Eaters.

"Stuperfy!" I shout hitting on of the Death Eaters and i turn around and see Ginny facing Bellatrix who chucks spell at her "Not my daughter you bitch" Mrs Weasley yells and chucks spells at Bellatrix. Bellatrix manages to block the spells and shoots one at Mrs Weasley making her loose her balance. Bellatrix starts to laugh so i step up onto the table opposite her and hit her with every spell I've got until i manage to freeze her. I walk over to her frozen figure with a slight smile on my face.
"This is for my Father" I hiss in her ear before i hit the tip of my wand on her stomach and she disappears into tiny little pieces of ash. I turn back to the Weasleys who look rather impressed and i jump of the table and George gives me a hug.

Things are finished, or so it seems. Harry destroyed Voldemort which means its over. I sit with the Weasleys, beside George as i notice Ron and Mione standing at the doors holdings hands so i get up and walk over to them as Harry appears and i give him a hug.

"Why didn't it work for him? The Elder wand?" Mione asks Harry who holds it in his hands

"It answered to somebody else. When he killed Snape, he thought the wand would become his. But the thing is, the wand never belonged to Snape, it was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night on the Astronomy tower. From that moment on, the wand answered to him until, the other night at Malfoy Mannor" Harry explains to us

"So that means.." Ron trails off

"Its mine" Harry says

"What should we do with it?" Ron asks making me look at him

"We?" I ask him

"I'm just saying that's the Elder Wand, the most powerful wand in the world. With that, we'd be invincible" Ron says
We turn to Harry and he looks at the wand before he snaps it in two and chucks it over the side of the bridge, me, Ron and Mione look at each other shocked at his actions.

Harry walks away from the edge of the bridge and stands in the middle of it, i walk beside him and hold his hand. Mione stands beside me and holds my hand and Ron then holds her hand, and we all stand there holding hands and let out a sigh or relief.

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