Chapter 90

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Mione, Harry, Ron and i run down the stair cases which are covered with Death Eaters, we each send spells at them getting them out of the way. We run down outside and Ron sticks his arm out in front of me just as a Death Eater shoots a spell at us, Harry turns the corner and shoots a spell at the Death Eater. We run through the courtyard but a giant soon spots us so we hide in a rather large giants helmet before it gets distracted and we run out into one of the corridors and i see Greyblack eating someone's neck.

"No" I shout getting his attention before i hit him with a spell and i see it was Lavender Brown laying there.

The giant appears and tries to get us through the gabs with his weapon so we jump through a gap and over to the bridge where we see heaps of Dementors coming our way, before we can do anything, Aberforth appears and casts a pratronus and sends them away. We quickly run down the stairs to the lake house at the bottom, as we reach the bottom we duck down behind some barrels as we listen to Voldemort talking to Snape inside.

"You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand in the last few hours alone" Snape says to Voldemort

"No. I am extraordinary but the wand resists me" Voldemort says

"There is no wand more powerful, Olivander himself said it. Tonight, when the boy comes it will not fail you. I'm sure of it, it answers to you and you only" Snape says

"Does it?" Voldemort questions

"My Lord?" Snape asks and looking up through the window slightly, i see he has crossed his fingers behind his back

"The wand. Does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man Severus, surely you must know. Where does its true loyalty lie?" Voldemort quizzes Snape

"With you of course My Lord" Snape answers

"The Elder Wand can not serve me properly because i am not its true Master. The Elder Wand belongs to the Wizard who killed its last Master. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, The Elder Wand can not truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus but only i can live forever"

"My Lord..." Snape is cut off as i hear a slit noise and he falls against the window me and Harry are behind

"Nagini, kill" Voldemort orders

The four of us are silent as the Snake started to practically kill Snape, Snape's body keeps thudding against the window each time the Snake pounces at him. We soon hear a whoosh meaning Voldemort has gone so we quickly get up and walk inside and to our left, we see Snape lying on the ground with his neck covered in blood. Harry rushes over to his side and holds his hands up to Snape's neck trying to stop the bleeding while Mione, Ron and myself stand by the door.

"Take them. Take them please" Snape says to Harry motioning to the tears running down his face

"Give me something, quickly. A flask anything" Harry says and i dig into my bag and pull out a flask and i pass it to him and he presses it against Snape's cheek

"Take them to the pensieve. look at me, you have your mothers eyes" Snape tells Harry before he sighs and stops moving. Harry stands up and gives us a sad look, suddenly my ears begin to ring making me hold onto the door frame

"You have fought valiantly but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste, i therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, i know speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to dies for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this i shall kill every last man, woman and child that tries to conceal you from me"

The four of us walk up to the school which seems silent, we walk through the rubble and up to the doors. "Where is everybody?" I ask them

Ron pushes the Great Hall doors open and everyone is in there sitting with their loved ones, we walk through the Hall and i see one of the Patil twins had died. I walk closer to the end of the Hall and i see all the Weasleys gathered around a body and walking over i see its Fred. I start to cry and i kneel down beside his body and place a kiss on his forehead before standing up and hugging George.

"Lola" Mrs Weasley says and looking up from George's shoulder i turn to face her and she looks to her side and i see Remus and Tonks laying there dead. Mione walks over to me and gives me a hug, and i literally cry into her shoulder.

Me, Mione and Ron are sitting on some stairs and we have no idea where Harry is. I hear footsteps nearing us and looking up i see Harry walking down towards us making us all stand up and face him

"We thought you went to the forest" Ron tells Harry

"I'm going there now" Harry says walking past us

"Are you mad? No. You cant give yourself up to him" Ron says and Harry stops walking

"What is it Harry? What do you know?" I ask and he turns to face us

"There's a reason i can hear them, the Horcruxes. I think I've known for a while, and i think you have too" Harry says to me and i start crying again

"I'll go with you" I tell him

"No. Kill the snake and then its just him" Harry says and i give him a hug before pulling away and letting Mione hug him. As Mione lets go, Harry and Ron nod to each other before Harry turns and walks down the stairs to be killed.

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