Chapter 23

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I have been staying at The Leaky Culdron for a couple of days just till school starts because Remus thinks it's safer here just in case my father decides he wants to find me. I make my way out of my room and down the steps into the pub and an orange cat runs past my legs followed by a mouse which looks to be Scabbers.

"Lola" a voice says and Hermione comes over to me and gives me a hug

"Mione, it's great to see you" I tell her with a smile

"It's good to see you too" Moine says as suddenly I find myself in the air being thrown around

"Oh boys for goodness sake but the poor girl dow" I hear Mrs Weasley shout and I'm placed back on the floor and engulfed in a hug

"I take it you two missed me then" I ask the twins as they let go

"You have no idea. Isn't that right George?"Fred asks George who is starring at me and I can feel my checks going red . Yeah I guess it's safe to say that my body has definitely changed a bit over the summer.

"Oww, what was that for" George asks Fred as he rubs his elbow making us chuckle before they walk off

"Lola has a crush" Mione says in a sing song voice as I sit down beside her with my book

"Shut up! I don't have a crush" I tell her as I open my book up

"Who do you have a crush on" Ginny asks me as she sits the other side of me

"No one" I say at the same time Hermione says "George"

"I knew it, it was so obvious" Ginny says with a smirk

"No it's not because I don't like him like that" I tell her

"Lola it's so obvious  and I can tell he likes you too" Mione tells me

"Exactly and the only ones who can't see it are you too" Ginny adds in making me groan in annoyance

"I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy" Ron shouts over at Mione for the third time today as he holds his rat like a teddy.

"He's a cat, Ronald! What do you expects ? It's in his nature" Mione tells him as she cuddles Crookshanks

"A cat! Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me" Ron argues back

"That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush.It's all right, Crookshanks. You just ignore the mean little boy." Mione says to Ron before turning to her cat and as i look up to them I see a familiar person watching on the steps

"Harry" I exclaim and I give him a hug

The four of us sit at the table and Ron pulls out The Daily Prophet which has a picture of the entire Weasley family standing before the great pyramids all waving with  Ron in the middle with Scabbers

"Egypt! What's it like?" Harry asks

"Brilliant. It's got loads of old stuff. Mummies. Death masks. Tombs" Ron tells Harry

"You know, the ancient Egyptians of the Nile River delta worshipped the cat goddess Bast." I tell Ron

"Along with the dung beetles. I also got a new wand" Ron says as the rest of the Weasleys come over to us

"Not flashing that clipping about again, are you, Ron?"George asks him

"I haven't shown anyone!"Ron defend

"No, not a soul. Unless you count Tom. The day maid. The night maid. The cook. The bloke that came to fix the toilet. That wizard from Belgium" Fred lists as him and George sit down either side of me and Mrs. Weasley takes Harry's face in her hands and  smiles.

"It's good to see you, Harry"Mrs Weasley tells hi

"Good to see you too, Mrs. Weasley" Harry tells her

"Harry. I wonder if I might have a word"Mr Weasley asks him saying the exact same thing he said to me earlier

"Of course"Harry answers and  Mr. Weasley pulls Harry away

"George's nose looks positively massive in that photograph" Fred says looking at the picture of them all in Egypt

"That's your nose, Fred" I tell him with a laugh

"Bloody hell. 'Tis, isn't it? Take after your side of the family, don't I, Mum?" Fred says to his mum    

"We tried to lock Percy in a pyramid but mum caught us" George tells me

"Why doesn't that surprise me" I tell him with a smile

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