Chapter 87

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I walk up up the beach to where the others are as I'm now fully transformed into Bellatrix which I must say isn't very pleasant, especially because I can barely walk in these shoes.

"Well how do I look?"I ask them

"Hideous"Ron says to me

"You can give that to Hermione to hold alright, Griphook"Harry tells him and he puts it in Mione's bag before the four of us hold hands "We're relying on you Griphook, if you get us past the guards and into the vault, the swords your"Harry says and Griphook holds onto our hands making us disapparate.

We disapparate down a rather filthy alley way, I walk a few steps ahead of the others as a guy walks past us and stops. The man who I'm assuming is some kind of Death Eater looks straight at me and bows.

"Madam Lestrange"The guy says with a nod and I freeze

"Good morning" I say not knowing what to do and he looks at me before walking off so I turn back to the others

"Good morning! Good morning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange not some dewy-eyed school girl"Griphook tells me

"Hey. Easy"Ron tells Griphook

"She gives us away, we might as well use that sword to slit our own throats. Understand?"Griphook asks

"No, he's right I was being stupid"I say

"Okay let's go"Harry says as he, Mione and Griphook get under the cloak and I walk beside Ron who looks like a Death Eater

I walk into Gringotts beside Ron who gives me a nod and we walk down the middle, making sure to hold our heads high. I feel the goblins look at me as I slightly stumble in my heels. As me and Ron make it to the end, I notice the security guards walking slowly towards us making me nervous. I clear my throat trying to get the Goblins attention and nothing.

"I wish to enter my vault"I say acting confident

"Identification?"He asks without looking up

"I hardly think that will be necessary"I say and the Goblin looks up at me

"Madame Lestrange"He says to me before walking off

"I don't like to be kept waiting"I say with my arms crossed over my chest as I wait until he comes back and when he does he has another Goblin with him

"Madame Lestrange, would you mind presenting your wand?"The goblin who I think is Bogrod asks me

"And what should I do that?"I ask raising an eyebrow

"It's the banks policy, I'm sure you under given the circumstances"He says to me

"No I most certainly do not understand"I argue

"Then I'm afraid I must insist -"He says before I see Harry point his wand at him "Very well Madame Lestrange if you would follow me"He says

We are on a cart which Griphook is driving as we'd are in the cave going down to Bellatrix's vault. We turn around a sharp corner and I see a waterfall coming up "What is that Griphook?"Harry asks and Griphook tries the brakes but it doesn't stop.

We head straight to and threw the waterfall drenching us all head to toe, the breaks finally stop and a lamp comes up from the cart and screeches. Suddenly, the seats drop making us all fall out of the cart and head straight to the ground.

"Arresto Momentum"I call just before we all crash so the land is less painful

"Well done Lola"Mione says as we all stand up and the cart leaves, making us stuck down here.

"Oh no, you look like you again"Harry tells me

"The thief's Downfall, washes away all enchantments. Can be deadly"Griphook explains to us

"You didn't say and just out of interest is there any other way out of here?"Ron asks Griphook

"No"Griphook says

"What the devil are all you doing down here? Thieves! When you have up the keys you - -"Bogrod starts to shout

"Imperio"Ron says to Bogrod as we hear a roar nearby "That doesn't sound good"Ron says and we walk around the corner into the cave where a huge white dragon with chains around its neck is "Bloody hell, that's an Ukrainian Ironbelly"Ron says

"Here"Griphook says handing Ron some kind of rattle and they both shake it making a noise that the dragon clearly isn't a fan of "It's been trained to expect pain when it hear the noise"Griphook explainsto us as we walk past it

"That's barbaric"Mione says as we walk up to Bellatrix's vault which Griphook opens and we all walk in before it slams closed.

"Lumos"We say making light appear at the end of our wands

I look around the vault and literally everything in here isn't either silver or gold. "Accio Horcrux"Mione says

"You're seriously not trying that one again are ya?"Ron asks Mione who glares at him

"That kind of magic won't work in here"Griphook says to us and I turn and look at Harry

"Is it here, Harry? Can you feel anything?"I ask and he nods.

I hear Mione gasp and I see she'd knocked over a golden bracelet onto the floor which began to multiply, which caused Ron to knock over a silver plate and I knocked over a golden goblet which also multiply.

"That's it up there"Harry says but my attention is on all the objects that are multiplying around us

"They've added the Gemino curse, anything you touch will multiply"Griphook announces as the objects get up to our knees

"Give me the sword"Harry tells Mione who pulls it from her bag and chucks it to him.

The objects now reach my hip and are still moving upwards as we watch Harry. "Stop moving"I yell and we look at Harry who is in the pile of silver and gold objects

"Got it"Harry announces as he brakes through the pile. Harry drops the cup which Griphook soon grabs and golds up "We had a deal Griphook"Harry says to him

"The cup for the sword"Griphook says and Harry passes him the sword and in return he chucks the cup at Mione who only just catches it "I said I'd get you in but I didn't say anything about getting you out"Griphook says before he leaves with Bogrod.

The four of us run out of the vault and Griphook has disappeared with the sword. That foul little git. At least we've still got Bogrod"Ron breathes just as the dragon breathes fire onto Bogrod who then disappears "That's unfortunate"Ron says

Suddenly, the security men appear and start shooting at us making us hide behind a couple of pillars.

"We can't just stand here. Who's got an idea?"Mione asks

"You and Lola are the brilliant ones"Ron says to her

"I've got something but it's mad. Reducto!"I shout making the fence break.

Mione and I run down the middle and jump straight onto the dragon, holding onto its spikes on its back

"We'll come on then"Mione shouts to the boys and they jump onto the dragon as well "Relashio"Mione yells breaking the chains

The dragon soon breaths fire at the security guards before it starts climbing up the wall of the cave. It climbs up the wall and knocks a cart with security guards on of the track before continuing its climb. The dragon breaks through floor of the bank making the goblins all run away, and climbs up out of the building and just stops on the roof.

"Now what?"Ron asks

"Reducto"I yell making the dragon yell and it starts flying through the clouds

"That was brilliant absolutely brilliant"Ron laughs after we have been flying for a while and I see we are above a lake

"We're dropping"Harry informs us

"I say we jump"Ron suggests

"When?"Mione asks him

"Now!"I call and we jump of the dragon and straight into the water below.

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