Chapter 78

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I wake up noticing George is no longer beside me so I put on my hoodie and creep down the stairs making sure not to wake anyone. I reach the bottom of the stairs and just as I'm about to walk into the kitchen I see Harry and Gin y standing there snogging. They soon pull away as they see George watching them while drinking a cup of coffee with his tooth brush in his ear, Ginny walks away and I walk into the kitchen and beside George as Harry also leaves.

"Honestly Love you could have left them to it"I say to George as I wrap my arms around his waist

"What leave him snogging the life out of my sister? I don't think so"George says going all protective

"Oh come on she has liked him since she was 11" I tell George as I give him a kiss which soon grows very passionate very fast. We pull away both slightly out of breath and I place a kiss on his forehead before heading to the stairs only to be pulled back

"And where do you think you're going"George asks me with a smile

"To go and do my hair while you go and help the others with the tent outside"I say with a smile before kissing him and walking up the stairs

I didn't get very far with doing my hair because as soon as I got the stuff ready the bloody Minister of Magic decided to show up

"To what do we owe the pleasure Minister?"Harry asks him as we stand downstairs near the front door

"I think we both know the answer to that question Mr Potter"The Minister says and the four of us go and sit on a couch and the Minister sits before us placing a package on the table

"And this is?"I ask the Minister and he pulls out a letter which floats next to him as it unfolds

"Here is set forth the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First to Ronald Billius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator a device of my own making in the hope, when things seem most dark it will show him the light"The Minister says as he passes Ron the Deluminator

"Dumbledore left this for me?"Ron asks as he checks it out and the insisted just nods in reply "Wicked what is it?"Ron questions and he flisks a button which removes the light coming from the lamp before flicking it again making the light reappear "Awesome"Ron mutters

"To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard in hopes she finds it entertaining and instructive"The Minister reads as he hands Mione the book

"Mum used to read me those The wizard nd the hopping pot, babbitty rabbitty and the cackling stump"Ron lists and we all look at him "Come on babbitty rabbitty. No?"Ron says

"To Lola Mia Black I leave her my own Phoenix, Fawkes. In hope that at times of need she will be connected with her loved ones"The Minister says as if on queue, Fawkes flies in and lands on my shoulder making me chuckle

"To Harry James Potter I leave the snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill"The Minister says passing the snitch to Harry

"Is that it then?"Harry asks the Minister

"Not quite. Dumb led ore left you a second bequest, the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Unfortunately, the sword of Gryffindor was not Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical artifact it belongs - -"

"To Harry. It belongs to Harry it came to him when he most needed it in the Chamber of secrets"Mione says cutting off the Minister

"The sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor Miss Granger that doesn't make it just wizards property. And in any event, the current whereabouts of the sword is unknown"The Minister explains

"Excuse me?"I ask the Minister

"The sword is missing. I'm not sure what you're up to Mr.Potter but you can't fight this war on your own, he's to strong"The Minister says to him

It was finally night which means everyone is currently here at Bill and Fleur's wedding which is very beautifully decorated. Me and Mione walk in and Bill and Fleur are dancing while everyone is clapping them, we both go our separate ways and I go over to Remus and Tonks who are talking at the back "Hey guys"I say as I sit down with them

"Lola, look at you p. You look lovely"Tonks says to me with a smile

"Thanks. I wanted to say congratulations with the wedding and the baby"I say with a smile

"Thankyou, I'm sorry you weren't at the wedding"Remus says to me

"It's fine honestly I'm just glad your both finally together me and Dad used to guess how long it would take to happen"I say with a laugh

"Actually we were wondering if you would be Godmother"Tonks says to me

"I'd love to, thank you so much"I say with a smile as I give them each a hug Justin as I feel an arm snake around my waist.

"Would you mind if I borrowed my beautiful fiancé for a dance?"George asks Remus and Tonks making me smile

"Go ahead"Tonks says and George pulls me along to the dance floor

"George I can't dance in heels, I'll fall over" I tell him as I wrap my arms around his neck

"If you fall then I'll just have to catch you"George says and we begin to dance in rhythm to the music. Right now things don't seem dangerous at all instead I feel completely safe, I don't if it's because I'm with George or if it's also to do with the fact that everybody seems happy and there's no bad vibes in the air.

"You look beautiful tonight"George says to me before he leans in and kisses me. I kiss back as I move one hand into his hair making sure not to touch his bandaged ear, the kiss feels amazing and I don't ever want to be apart from George. A sudden burst of wind makes us jump apart and a blue ball is in the middle of the tent, George puts me slightly behind him as everyone gathers around

"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming"A voice says before the ball disappears and Death Eaters appear and start shooting spells.

"Go, get out of here"George says and I kiss him quickly before pushing through the crowns of peopl to find the others. I find Mione and hold onto her as Ron comes up to us Harry runs to us and we're all hold hands and disapparate.

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