chapter 45

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As me and Harry walk along the corridor loads pupils aim insults at him saying he stinks and it's really pathetic

"Cedric rules!"A boy says as he runs past us

"Thanks."Harry mutters as we get to a doorway wher two pupils stand in his way.

"Like the badge?"the boy asks Harry

"Excuse me..lHarry says and they laugh so I push them aside so we can walk through and I follow Harry who approaches Cedric who is standing around with his friends.

"Can I have a word?"Harry asks Cedric

"Alright"Cedric says and we walk away some distance.

"Dragons. That's the first task. They've got one for each of us"Harry explains

"Are you serious? And Fleur and Krum, do they...?"Cedric asks

"Yes.lHary says

"Right. Hey listen, about the badges. I've asked them not to wear them"Cedric tells him

"Don't worry about it."Harry says and we walk off and Harry approaches Ron and Seamus are walking along.

"You're a right foul git you know that?"Harry says to Ron

"You think so?"Ron asks

"I know so"Harry replies

"Anything else?"Ron asks

"Yeah. Stay away from me."Harry tell someone him

"Fine."Ron says before walking of with Seamus and we walk off across the courtyard

"Why so tense Potter?" Malfoy ask as he jumps down from the tree "My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five"Malloy continue making his goons laugh

"I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks Malfoy. He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic." Harry says and walks away so I follow him

"I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned"Mad-eye says and he turns Malfoy into a white ferret making me laugh

"Professor Moody what are you doing?"McGongall asks walking over with loads of students who all laugh st the sight

"Teaching"Mad-eye replies

"Is that a student?"McGonagall ask so horrofied

"Technically it's a ferret."Mad-Eye says as he makes the ferret hover around and sends it up the trouser leg of one of Draco's friends before McGonagall steps in and Draco turns back to normal

"My father will hear about this!"Draco shouts to Mad-eye

"Is that a threat!"Mad-eye says as Draco runs away. "I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! It doesn't end here!"Mad-eye shouts after him

"We never use transfigration as a punishment, surely Dumbledore told you that"McGonagall tells him

"He might've mentioned it."Mad-eye says to her

"Well you will do well to remember it."McGonagall says before walking off

"Pssst! Harry? Is that you?" I ask as me and Mione lean against the tent

"Yeah."He says

"How are you feeling? OK? The key is to concentrate. After that you just have to..."Mione starts to rambl

"Battle a dragon." Harry finishes and me and Hermione enter the tent and she automatically hugs Harry but as they do, a bright camera camera flashes and Rita Skeeter the journalist approaches.

"Young love! Ohh how.. stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today you might make the front page."Rita says to them

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends."Viktor says to Rita

"No matter. We've got what we wanted." Rita said before she leaves and Dumbledore enters.

"Good day champions. Gather round please. Now you've waited, you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived. The moment only four of you can fully appreciate. The champions gather around him in a circle.What are you doing here Miss Black,Granger?"Dumbledore asks us

"Oh um.. Sorry we'll just go." I say before we walk out

So far Fleur, Viktor and Cedric have faced their dragons and successfully got their golden eggs which means Harry is the last one to go and I super nervous for him. "Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant."Dumbledore says through the speaker

Harry enters the rocky arena moments later and the crowd all start cheering his name. Seeing the golden egg sitting alone, he makes a run for it but the dragon appears and Harry's forced to retreat behind a rock as the dragon flames him making him stumble and fall around the arena.

"Your wand harry! Your wand!"I shout down to him and moments later, his broom appears and he jumps on and flies off, the dragon gives chase and flies after Harry. The crowd ais mostly silent, we all look around for sign of Harry or the dragon but there isn't any until suddenly, I see Harry flying towards us and the crowd erupts as he goes straight for the golden egg.

"We knew you wouldn't die Harry"George says as Harry sits on his and Fred's shoulders

"Lose a leg."

"Or an arm."

"Pack it in altogether"

"Never" the twins say

"Go on Harry, what's the clue?" Seamus asks as he hands Harry the golden egg.

"Who wants me to open it? You want me to open it."Harry asks as he opens it, a loud horrific screech comes out making us all cover our ears Andy making the twins drop him

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asks as he appears in the doorway and Harry closes the egg up

"Alright everyone, go back to your knitting. This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosey sods listening in."Fred says to everyone and George comes over to me and pulls me into a hug

"reckon you'd have to be barking mad to put your own name in the goblet of fire"Ron tells Harry

"Caught on have you. Took you long enough."Harry replies

"Wasn't just me who thought you'd done it. Everyone was saying it behind your back."Ron tells him

"Brilliant. That makes me feel loads better."Harry says

"At least I warned you about the dragons."Ron adds

"Hagrid warned me about the dragons."Harry tells him

"Oh no no, I did. Don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you. Seamus never actually told me anything, so it was really me all along. I thought you'd be alright, you know, after you figured that out."Ron explains

"Who could possibly figure that out? That's completely mental."Harry says

"Yeah it is isn't it. Suppose I was a bit distraught."Ron says

"Boys."Mione mutters from beside me

"Oh Lola"Ron says making me pull away from George and look at him

"Yes Ronald"I say to him

"I'm sorry for what I said before I had no right"Ron tells me

"It's okay and I'm sorry too" I tell hi

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