1 jacklyn

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Jacks pov 

I am currently in Brook and is room . I was curled up in a ball on my bed in a blanket barito watching random YouTube videos. I didnt feel all that grate. I have been doing this all day. Right now though all I wanted was my boyfriand brooklyn to come cuddle with me.  But he is doing a live streem with mikey. They have been doing for the last half hour.  he probly would have the first half the day but I was asleep because we got home really late because of the show. I decide that im going to find how much long they are going to be. The main reason is I want attention. As I walk in to the mindy room I ask. 

" How much longer you guys are you guys going to be live?'' 

" I dont Know why?'' Mikey asked. 

'' Just wondering I  guess.''

" you should join us." Brooklyn says. 

" I don't want to." I replied. 

'' Well why not I'm sure the rodies would like you to .''

" I just don't want to ok." I say annoyed and head back to our room. I lay down on my bed and go back to YouTube. I was going ask him to come lay with me but he obviously doesn't care. I'm most likely  over reacting but I don't care at this point, I'm tired and don't feel good. 

Brooklyn's pov 

Mikey and I are doing a live stream and jack just came in and asked when we would be done. I told him we didn't know and that he should join us. He seemed annoyed and left  back to our room.  I think part of its because we were up till 1 coming home show. Why he didn't sleep in the car is beyond me.  It could be then that to so I'm going check on him because you never know. 

" I will be right I'm going to go see what's up with jack." I tell Mikey. 

" ok." He replied 

I walk to our room. He was in his bed facing the wall curled u in a ball doing something on his phone. I walk up behind him and put my hand on his back. He roles over slightly and looks at me. 

" What do you want?' ' he asked clearly upset about something. 

" I wanted to know what was up. It vary obvious that your bothered by something."

" nothings wrong  just leave me be.''

" something is bothering you I can tell so what is it. I just want to help." I say sitting on the edge of his bed. 

" I'm tiered and don't feel good and you have ignored me all day.''

" you were sleeping half they day. When you came in to the mindy room you should have just told me and I would have come in here with you." I tell him he just looks at me like he doesn't know what to say. 

" How about I go get you something that will help you feel better  and we can cuddle for the rest of the day." He just nod's his head yes at my suggestion. Once I went in to the bathroom to get him something. Once I came back in to the room I gave it to him and we spent the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling 

A/n first one shot hope you like it it kind of sucks but oh well Meany more to come. don't forget I do take request. 

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