27 Brooklyn +Mikey

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A/N Sorry this is so short. I hope everyone had a good Christmas or what ever you celebrate. Also I'm running out if ideas so comment some or message me. I have wrote something similar to this before but oh well. 

Mikey's pov 

I am vary upset and mad right know.  I'm mad at Brooklyn and my self. We just got in to the biggest fight that we have ever had. I was mad at brook because of what he did, I'm mad at my self for what I said. I feel absolutely horrible  for what I said. In the mince of the fight I yelled at him saying I wish that he had never joined the band. It was not nice and I wish I could take it back. I love him I really do but he probly doesn't think that anymore.  

I left my sulking in my room and head out to find him. it has been about 25 minutes since he left mad. I walk down the stairs and into the living room to see Alex and Jack cuddling on the sofa. 

" do you guys know were brook went?" I ask them. 

" he came through here upset and just left." Jack says. 

" Ok thank you" I tell him. 

I grab my cote and head out to the garden, trying to think of were he could have gone. He might have gone down by the river. When he gets upset or something he likes to go down their. Its one of his favorite things abut living in the house. Walking a crossed the garden tords the tennis courts down to the river. When I get close I see him sitting on the bank of the river throwing rocks into the water. I sit down next to him and he stops what he was doing. 

" What do you want. I thought that you hated me and want me out of the band. " he says bitterly. 

" I'm sorry I j-" 

" Sorry is not going to cut it Mikey." He cuts me off. 

" I know that sorry isn't going to cut it. But I really mean it when I say sorry. I feel bad for what I did. I should have never said what I did. If you want me to leave an never talk to me aging I understand." I say out of breath. 

He doesn't say anything. He just stairs out in to the water. I messed  up. I messed up big time. 

" If you want me to leave just say so." Just as I am about to get up and head back to the house, he says quietly. 

" I don't want you to leave. I'm sorry for what I did to. I over reacted, I know you didn't mean what you said but it still really hurt. " by the time he fished he looked like he wanted to cry. 

" I feel so bad because of it. I love you so much brook, I honestly don't know what I would do with out you." 

" I love you to Mikey." 

" Why don't we head back inside its starting to et dark out." I tell him. 

 " Ok." 

We get up from sitting on the ground. Before we headed inside I pulled him close to me kissed him, he kissed back. I hold him as close to me as I possibly can. 

" Love you so much. Pleas don't ever forget that . I am so so so sorry for what I did." 

" I wont forget I promise." He says nuzzling his face in to my neck. We just stay like that standing but the water for a bit. Until brook says 

" We should head in." 

We walk back hand and hand to the house in the sunset. It sounds like some weird romantic movie. But its fine because everything between Brooklyn and I is good again. I love him so much and I honestly don't know what I would do with out him. 

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