13 mack

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A/N  i wrote this at a sleepover after my fraind went to sleep. Aslo sorry this one is so short

Jacks pov. 

Over the past two days mikey keeps fighting with me over everyhting and know he wont evan talk to me. I dont know why he is acked like this but i didnt like it. I wanted normal mikey back. The one that would sit in my room cuddel and watch movies all day. I keep trying t ask him whast going on but he just pushes me away. I dont know what i did wrong. I decide that I'm going to go for  a walk to clear my mind. 

Once I get back I go to the mindy room to talk with Mikey. I don't know what I'm going to do if he doesn't talk to me. I just want to help him. I mean I'm his boyfriend for goodness sakes.  As I walk in the room I see him on his bed with his laptop and headphones on. I sit down on the edge of his bed. 

" What do you want?" He asked. 

" What I want? I want to know why your turning everything in to s fight I want to know why you ignoring me. Why you want nothing to do with me all of a sudden." 

" Because Jack. The fans are right." 

" What are you talking about."

" The fans jack. They keep telling me I'm not good enough for you and there right." 

" No Mikey they are wrong, The wrong because I love you and it shouldn't mater what they say. It should only matter that we are happy together." 

I say puling him in to me so we are cuddling. He puts his head in to my shoulder. After a few seconds I feel my shirt getting wet. 

" Hay its ok. Don't cry I'm right here." I say rubbing his back.  After a while I lay us both down on his bed. I was playing with his hair to get him to calm down. Eventually he fell asleep. I then take my phone out and go on twitter. 

 X His tweet X

Hay everyone I would really appreciated if you guys would leave Mikey alone. WE are happy together and don't plan on braking up anytime soon - Jack 

Not long after I put it out there were a bunch of replies. Some were good others not so good. The good ones were agreeing with me.  sadly there were a lot of people saying well its true you could do better then him. I blocked a few people but oh well. Sense I already have my phone I might as well play games on it. I will most likely do this till he wakes up or I fall asleep. 

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